Title: Follow
Challenge: Meeting in the City, Challenge #1
Character(s)/Pairings: Elphaba/Fiyero
Rating/Warnings: PG...gives a bit of a somewhat hidden spoiler from the novel.
# of Words: 111
Authors Comments: My first drabble ever, please be nice. =)
It was then that he saw the long, hooked nose, the flash of green skin, the black cloak pulled up against the hunched shoulders. He followed her through the twisting green streets, barely telling her apart from them and the sky-high green buildings. He chased after her shadow, the rustling of her skirts, until the sea of green abruptly stopped. Cement warehouses stood, tall and imposing. She stopped in front of one of these block-like buildings and opened the door, checking to the left and right of her. He grabbed her by the bony shoulder, turning her around…and he met the sunken gaze of the girl he knew he’d see: Elphaba.