The older folks in my life have told me on occasion that life seems to move faster the longer you live it. That's kinda scary, because it already seems to go awfully fast. I last posted on February 11th? Sigh. Well, I did say you shouldn't expect me to ever get better at this blogging thing. So, in no particular order, here are some things.
We went into the city again for Valentine's Day. We spent the afternoon putzing around the Chelsea neighborhood, where we got
awesome cupcakes, walked around
a seminary (I have this weird thing for seminaries), visited a
couple bookstores, checked out
the Chelsea Market, saw two awesome exhibits at
the Museum at FIT and had an absolutely fantastic meal at
Cookshop (OMG so good, I had elk, it was freaking amazing). Oh, and we went in zero art galleries. Whee!
I like cookies. Did you know that?
Our cats are doing wonderfully. When we got back from our trip to Minnesota for the holidays, Oscar had pretty much repudiated his spot under the couch. I don't blame him -- it's pretty cramped under there. But Robert is no longer attacking him on the spot. I think Robert finally got tired of the novelty and gave up and started cuddling with him instead. So we have finally accomplished what we wanted to do with Robert: clean his teeth and give him another friend so that he's more comfortable in his old age. They both seem happy and they make us happy. Which is what pets are about, I guess.
I saw Watchmen and didn't really like it.
I am singing in another choir. ("Another choir, Andrew?") Yeah.
I'm an addict, remember? This one's at the school I work at. It's a student group, but the conductor is always looking for a few good men ("I want the low notes!" "You can't handle the low notes!"), so there I am. They rehearse during a class time, and while it feels a little strange to leave my office in the middle of the day twice a week and go sing, my supervisor thought it would be a good way to do some networking.
The group exclusively does medieval and Renaissance repertoire, and this spring it's
Victoria's Requiem. It's been a long time since I've sung with college-age voices. It's eye-opening and depressingly nostalgic to hear how effortlessly they blend and keep pitch. It's been fun so far, but I feel a little out of place and it kind of puts a hole in my day, so I doubt it will be a regular thing.
Baseball starts in a couple weeks! Yay! I don't have high hopes for the Twins this year, though I said that last year and they came within a game of the division title. The pitching is for real, but the offense was fueled by flukishly high hitting rates with runners in scoring position, something I don't expect to work again this year. No major upgrades at any position (ooh, diss, Joe Crede) means nothing else will really be changing.
I was in Seattle last weekend for
the biennial ACRL conference. It's an awesome town and I had a good time seeing old friends from library school and California. And going to the conference, of course.
That's all for now...