Title: At the Pet Shop
Author: Wichie
Dramatis Personae: HP; Severus (Severus/Harry implied)
Disclaimer: Not mine, non profit.
Warnings: Unbetaed.
Notes: This is a companion piece to
Surefire Cure by
the_con_cept, so you should go read that first. I wrote it out in the comments, but it was longer than I realized so I'm posting it properly. Nit pick, please.
Summary: Severus endures "uncomfortable" situations, and as always Harry Potter is to blame.
Severus massaged his temples, attempting to refrain from audibly grinding his teeth in frustration as the shop girl sniffled her complaints to the proprietress. Considering his circumstances, Severus felt justified in blaming Harry Bloody Potter for the entire situation, despite the fact that Harry was neither present, nor remotely aware of the trouble he was causing Severus.
He'd been in the shop for a good half hour, now, and been submitted to not one, but two utter Hufflepuffs in his (completely degrading) trials to purchase the necessary supplies for Harry's "treatment". Schooling his features into the sort of reasonable scowl he used on Minerva, Severus cut short the pet shop owner's tirade on "Animal Cruelty in the Potions Trade".
"Madame," Severus did his best not to sneer, "I assure you, your assistant has deliberately misunderstood my intentions with regards to these ... animals."
The shop girl piped up, glaring weakly through teary eyes, "Ma'am, oh, ma'am, I didn't. The Professor was calling them specimens and talking about treatments and .. and ... oh, look, he's got 'em terrified, he has."
Looking down at the counter between them, the three observed the animals in question, which were rolling around in mock combat, wholly unconcerned with the uproar centered around them. The calico one chose that moment to disengage from biting his blue furred friend's tail, and butted his head against the hand Severus rested on the counter, mewling for a pat.
Smirking at the shop girl, Severus tried once more to bring the little drama to a close. "Madame, as I attempted to convey to your assistant, Mr. Potter-"
The proprietress broke in, asking in much brighter tones, "That wouldn't be Mr. Harry Potter, now, would it?"
Severus, scowl much more pronounced, grudgingly admitted, "Yes."
The effect of that single syllable was remarkable. Proprietress and shop girl alike assumed a fawning attitude that grated Severus taxed nerves, attempting to press a "fancier breed" on him, with a "Gratis, of course, for dear Harry Potter,". The blasted girl even had the nerve to titter about "wrapping the darlings up special for the Professor to present,".
Severus' tolerance for fools reached capacity, and growling, "That shall not be necessary," he scooped up the kittens before the shop girl could take them, slamming his payment onto the counter in their place. Turning the force of his glare to the proprietress, he bit out, "Kindly ring up my purchase."
Moments later, as he discovered the difficulty in striding forcefully when one's pockets were weighted with wriggling felines, Severus also realized that having quit the premises too hastily to have gotten a carrier, he would have to deliver the sharp clawed nuisances to Har-Potter in person. And sooner rather than later. It would be, Severus reflected, another uncomfortable situation he'd endure becase of Harry Bloody Potter.