May 23, 2007 22:55
I have been *so* tired the past few months. I feel like I can never, ever catch up. I'm exhausted all the time. The fibromyalgia has been difficult; not pain as much as in the past, but the fatigue and brain fog have been worse. I really need to get going on finishing the Disability paperwork so they can deny me LOL then I can appeal. Right now the application process is as stuck as my life is.
I'm going to take a week off from work in a couple weeks. I can't afford to skip a week without pay, especially when Ed isn't bringing in any income and we're about flat broke. But I am going to melt down entirely if I do not take some time off. One day here and there has not been sufficient time off and it feels like forever since I had a real vacation and I feel like I am burning out bigtime.
The last vacation I had was last March in Florida, and that was at my Dad's and it was only a week so I am really overdue.
What I *really* need is like a month at the shore, but who can afford that?????
Here it is, about 11pm, and I'm crashing. And I am going to bed as soon as this DVD finishes burning. *sigh* and that is 4 hours early for me.....