twilight nonsense.

Jul 14, 2008 20:40

Arrgghhh. I am on such a twilight hyper! its insane!

im organising a launch party at work. it was a lot easier that i thought it would be to be honest. my managers didnt need persuading at all. they are all for it! woot! so i have spent the day trying to get hold of publicity material and going over some ideas for things to do. its just the usual of quizzes and quotes games. then we are hoping to have a t shirt competion and possibly a short story one. and i think we will be able to open early for it!! yay!

ive also been in contact with other branches that are having launch parties chatting over ideas and getting all excited about the release. the company is getting 1000 singed copies too so im hoping to get my hands on one of those. though they wont arrive til a week after the release, so i will have to swap or something. oh the perks!

i think im going to do a window display too. make lots of little red and white chess pieces to stick on the window, then i have the quizzes and quotes game to do. and the best part?? i get paid to do this!!! how cool? its like doing the harry potter party all over again but i get paid!!

plus i have managed to convert so many people to the word of twilight this weekend. every opportunity i got i was recommending the series. we sold so many!!! teehee. i should be on commission.

and heres a shout out to stina!!! another of my converts!!! yay! im so glad you are enjoying it. you'll need new moon next! then eclipse. buy buy buy! read read read!


its so good to be excited about something again.

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