So much drama in 2 weeks!!

Jul 02, 2007 16:43

Well im back, livejournal is screaming at me. Apparently its been 5weeks since i updated...crazy.
Anyway its gonna be a long one..............

OK, so it worked out well in the end. I made a promise to myself to just go out and not worry about ppl not comming, and not getting stressed out calling ppl to find out what they were doing. I told them all where i was gonna be, at what time and left it at that.
And for once it was one of the most sucessful bdays.
Friday 22nd June was the date [5 days before actuall bday]. And we all met in a wetherspoons pub. Loads of ppl turned up and it was a good night. My cousin Matt and his girlfriend was home so it was fun to spend it with someone from the states as i dont normally get that chance.
I had a few slaps from the past in the form of my stalker ex boyfriend from about 4yrs ago at a pub where we started. It turns out he is a mate of one of the ppl i work with. So i will be thinking twice before accpeting a invite from
Then near the end of the night we ended up in a pub where a old friend was. The one that i gave hundreds of money to and used me left right and centre. But i said i wanted to leave and everyone nicely followed.
The following monday [2days before my bday] i had the annual bday family meal. Which was a little nicer cause like i said matt was home. We went to one of my fav resturants [Resturant one] and has some awsome food.
The came wedensday [my actual bday] and also my pub managers bday. so we pulled a joint one, but being a weds it was dead and we couldnt get Not thats its needed, but it is fun and helps things
And then came thrusday morning.

Head Doctor....
I had another one of those things, where i get out in the middle of the night and pass out unconscious. But this time i fell and had a fight with a wall and a raidiator on the way to the floor...which left some very nasty cuts and bruises on my head and face.
It was the worst one i have ever had, and i cannot remember a thing. But it scared the hell out of me. Visited the doctor that morning and faced the same old thing....the common but very annoying "dunno" face. I know its not their fault that im a freak of nature but for god sake at least try something.
Im booked into see a Neurologist this time. After they have decided its not my bones, liver, blood or stomach.
The thing is i live in England with the shitty NHS so by the time i have recieve appointment im gonna be back at uni, worried incase it happens there and my housemates have to face what my mum deals with everytime it happens....which i know is not nice.
So now in on a no alochol, no eating after 6pm no drinks after 8pm, unless water, diet thingy. Which i suppose could help me loose weight, so if it does there is one plus from this thing.

Daddies Girl...
My dad is back on the scene. Much to everyones disgust and they dont mind making thier feelings known. Mum and Nats bitch no stop about me seeing him when he is around. Their reason is because he never picks up the phone or makes a effort. But it works both ways. They are allowed to egnore him and nan, but when he doesnt call he is the worst father in the world.
Its not fair. Thats their personal opinion and i respect that but if i want to see him and say hi thats my decision. And they should respect that. But they just dont.
Life is too short to worry about stuff like that. I know he isnt exactly the best father in the world...well far from it, and he knows it too. But when he is around why not see him. Someone has got to be the mature one in the family and pick up the phone, or else everyone is gonna be dead without ever talking to one another and wondering what the fuck happened.

Well much to my suprise amd happiness i passed that exam, so i get to go to the States with no worries about leaving early to come home and resit the exam. Apparently many others werent that lucky, and i wish them luck. I cant beleive the first year is done already, it went so fast. Well i guess its not really a year though is it...more like 6 months.
I miss uni and miss the friends i have there, well not long and i will be back again, and this time in a real house other than that crazy Gelnfern.

Anyway thats then end of my crazy long entry, thanks for reading if u made it this far.

exams, doctor, family, drunk, unconscious, friends, uni

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