Saw a Youtube video that reminded me that I had failed to mention anything, anywhere, regarding my thoughts on the subject, and since I really want to try posting actual content again (and more) I thought that I would now post that here.
First to all the people out there saying that "marriage is a [insert religion] thing" and "the [insert holy document] denounces homosexuality". I say, you are correct, marriage IS a religious institution (no matter how hard we want to believe it's become secular or cultural) and should not, therefore, be legally and governmentally recognized, nor should it come with "special" government granted legal perks (like next of kin rights, tax breaks, etc.). You know, according to our constitution, separation of church and state, and all that.
Those things [perks] should be granted ONLY to civil unions, administered by GOVERNMENT officials (not clergy) without mention of, or reference to, any deities or other religious rhetoric whatsoever. If people, of whatever faith, want to have a marriage ceremony that will be special to/specific to/recognized by the religious organization or faith of their choice IN ADDITION to there LEGAL CIVIL UNION then they should. Making "marriage" the only legally recognized form of life partnership contract that gives IMPORTANT government granted perks, and then offering that life partnership contract to only a certain portion of the population is not only wrong but unconstitutional. It is also, in my opinion, morally ambiguous at best and blatant institutional bigotry at worst.
So either we;
1. Make marriage the new name for civil union and make it LEGALLY available for EVERY HUMAN ADULT WHO WANTS TO ENTER INTO IT.
2. We keep marriage religious and, as the religious people claim they want, presided over by clergy, removing the governmental bonuses and make civil union the legally recognized form of SECULAR life partnership contract. The SECULAR life partnership contract [civil union] would then be available for EVERY HUMAN ADULT WHO WANTS TO ENTER INTO IT.
Bottom line? Gay, straight, white, black or purple EVERYONE should have the same life partnership rights as everyone else, no matter what we decide to call it and THAT is the real issue. The real issue that the religious right desperately hopes to gloss over with their "god deems it wrong" and "marriage is between a man and a woman" spiels.
Overall I find the vote appalling and I have to say that SXEPhil's thoughts on the matter really mirror my own. I also can't help but love him for the way he presents his opinions on the daily "news" <3's PhillyD.
You should watch for yourself and subscribe to the show if you haven't already.
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