Letter to my Yuletide Writer

Nov 13, 2009 02:16

Dear Yuletide Writer;

Hello there! You get to write for me, aren't you just giddy with anticipation and tingly with excitement? No, maybe just a little? Anywhozzle, I guess I should start by telling you a little about me, the person you are meant to be writing for. Firstly, some bits and factoids; I am female, I am 30, I love cats and fish and pretty much all animals. I am pagan, fiscally conservative and socially liberal. I am pretty damned difficult to offend and the things I tend to rant about the most are fandom related in some way. I have a twitter, a facebook and a YouTube channel. My LJ is almost completely unlocked so, if you have the time and care to learn more about me in general terms, I totally invite you to do so.

Now to the stuff you are, no doubt, far more interested in knowing; my preferences for fic. I ship therefore I am. I am a lover of slash and het pretty equally. I have a thing for May/December romances. I find that my ship preference, with a couple notable exceptions, tend toward the Non-canon and Non-Common variety. My Fic reading DOES tend to lean toward shippy stories rather than gen but I also like Gen with shippy touches. What can I say, I'm a shipper. I am not completely opposed to a little purple prose, it can be fun to read when it's use correctly! I ADORE porn but I REALLY adore it when it comes WITH plot, I just like to be emotionally attached to the sex, ya'know?

Not comfy writing the dirty stuff, I'm cool with that too. There really aren't many general things that I can think of that squick me, or that I'd rather not read. I'm not a fan of Death!Fic but do like dark, angst and Whomp as long as it all turns out okay in the end. I'm not a fan of the completely AU story but I do like a good Fix it!Fic or things that give slightly different or new takes on something canon. I don't think I have to worry about it based on my requests but all that Twincest and Wincest and Incest stuff does creep me out, if they know they're related they shouldn't be mated!

Now, about my Tide of Yule requests, I'll try to be as generally specific as I can-- did that statement even make sense?

A Dogs Breakfast - Obviously I love the 3 main human characters Marilyn, Patrick & Ryan and the Puppy Mars!

The ideas I had here were these; Marilyn and Ryan decided that Patrick is sad and lonely and needs to meet someone so they devise a plan to hook him up. It doesn't go quite to plan.

Patrick meets someone at Marilyn and Ryan's wedding it gets funny somehow (maybe inadvertently messing up the wedding or something).

Basically I'd love to see some hilarity ensue while Patrick attempts to grow a love life. Bonus kudos and cookies for fitting Mars into the story!

DCU - Green Lantern

Guy Gardner is the shizzle fools! =D He is my comic book boyfriend and I loves him! (seriously, have you SEEN my LJ?)

What I'd love to see here is a story in which Guy is the Hero and stops a plot/saves the Justice League Big shots/proves his worth not only to the JLA but to himself/all of the above.

I don't much care what other GL or DCU characters you include or what specific story line you decide on, as long as Guy is the Hero (and possibly gets to beat up The Bat!). Some of my other GL favs, in case you want to know, are Kilowag, Hal and Sinestro.

Important note - I am NOT up to date on my GL/DCU canon so please no spoilers for Final Crisis or Darkest Night. Everything else is fair game.

DCU - Wonder Woman

My favorite characters from this verse are Wonder Woman (Diana of Themiscyra), Artemis, Circe (the Witch) Superman, Ares, and Ferdinand (the Minotaur).

My dearest wish for this request is for a Superman/Wonder Woman story with adventure, romance, fighting the bad guy(s) and getting together in a serious, romantic way. However, if that ship just doesn't hoist your sails and float your boat, I would be happy with a Diana and Artemis team up to defeat Ares and Circe story too!

Bonus cookies if you can combine both. Ice cream and cake for including Batman (Bruce Wayne) whomp! and Extra chocolate for having an NC-17 scene ;-)

Important note from the above fandom applies here too please; no spoilers for Final Crisis or Darkest Night. Everything else is fair game.

Law & Order UK

I heart James Steel. I like all the other characters too but I really, really heart James Steel.

This is the request with the least in the way of ideas since I really only know the one general thing that I would really love and that is to see a crossover slash pairing with James and Law & Order's Michael Cutter. Any other characters from either show are welcome as well. If slash really isn't your cup of tea, or you can't really figure out how to get the two of them together, then I would be good to go with a James and Alesha Phillips romance too. The whens and hows and whats and whys are totally up to you just give me shippiness all mixed in with some plot and you'll have yourself a happy little reader!

I hope, dear writer, that you have found this letter helpful to you as you begin your task to write something for silly ol' me. I'm really not that hard to please and I'm going to love whatever you leave me under the virtual tree because, after all, it was made just for me! I also ask that you forgive the several instances of random rhyming in the letter above, I really have no idea what happened there-- it's quite odd.

Yours with tingly anticipation,

yuletide 2009

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