So, yesterday was my 30th birthday. Thinking about the fact that I am now thirty is very... weird. Not that I feel any different or anything. It's just that stopping to actually think about the fact is odd to me, like, I don't know, I feel like I should be more... adult, grown up, mature... or something suddenly. *shrug*
Anywho, on the good stuff!
Bold Face went out while I was asleep and got me a cake! It was pink and green JUST LIKE I SAID I WANTED!! It even had my name on it!! =D
I got two cards, because he couldn't decide which to get, one is above the cut there, and the other is a singing card WITH A DANCING PENGUIN ON THE FRONT. IT ACTUALLY DANCES!!! You know when you move the card, I can't think what you call that.
Anyway, on to the ASSLOAD of gifts he got for me!
All wrapped up in Supes paper! How cool is my Bold face! =D
These are a couple of Hero Clix figures that I have been eyeing for a while. The first is Classic Wonder Woman and the other is Artemis as Wonder Woman! I don't play HC but I love the figures as they make loverly decorations for my smallish desk space area. Plus Wonder Woman!! =D
Side note: If anyone has any of the issues from the Artemis as Wonder Woman run and would allow me to read them please let me know!
I can't explain the awesome that is this! I didn't even know they were making this! =D
My Bold Face really know what is me don't he? ;-D
I've already read the first issue and will be reading the second before bed.
I think I may have actually squeed a little when I opened this.
That antimatter is HEAVY let me tell you!
because, Yes.
I KNOW I squeed when I opened this one!
And that brings us to the gift that Bold Face called the "real" gift...
I can really say no more than that.
In case it is unclear what exactly that is, it is
You know what this means?! I can now have a TWO ANGLE VLOG!!! Also UNDERWATER PORN!! =D
It also means D*C footage in GLORIOUS HD!!
She needs a name still though I was thinking maybe Artemis or Diana. Yes it's a she, too sleek and sexy to be a he. ;-) Thoughts? Suggestions?
I also got this AWESOME little bit of
Janto porn from the lovely
secondalto! Go read it, it's hot!
Last but not least here is a shirt little video, the first ever, from the new camera. YOU SHOULD TOTALLY WATCH IT IN HD BECAUSE HOLY CRAP YOU CAN DO THAT NOW!!!
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