I hope that your holiday was (and continues to be happy, safe, and fun!
Bold Face and I had, in my opinion at least, a very good first Christmas together. Well if you take the being awoken by a umpteen pound golden retriever to the head out of the equation anyway. o_0
There was gift exchanging this morning.
I got a pack of three pairs of REALLY nice, soft, warm socks from Bold Face's mother. Here I show off my favorite pair.
Bold Face really enjoyed the special present that I gave him (GUTTER BRAINS!) but I will allow him to tell you all about that over on his journal.
After that we logged onto the interwebs for a while and then got dress from Christmas Lunch/Dinner with some a his family over at his sister's. They are all very nice (and tiny) people and we had a very nice time and a really good meal of which I ate too much.
Steve and his niece Charlotte
And here are the rest of my Christmas Time photos in Slide Show format.
And now we are debating who you, my Flist, would prefer to see in nothing but a sparkly sequined Santa hat. I may or may not make a more detailed post at some point, for now I just wanted to share some photos and such.
Now I am going to go and watch the Doctor Who Christmas Special "The Next Doctor"