Why can't it be D*C ALL the time?
Just got in about and hour or so ago. Brain still too much mush to make a full post but I'll hit some of the major highlites:
The First 2 people I saw upon arrival at the hotel were Robert Englund and Gareth David Lloyd. The later was checking in and we had a moment. It was AWESOME!
The System Lord Summit party, which was an awesome success!
Cliff Simon informing me, whilst staring at my chest "God I love corsets"
Gareth "Outing" John Barrowman.
Gareth saying "I love you sweetheart." in Welsh
Gareth bursting into a bit of song from Labyrinth
Gareth Slashing up Star Trek TOS - "That's my crotch Spock..." "I know Captain."
Getting to meet Gareth Backstage and be the "official" interview photographer.
The Don S. Davis charity auction and tribute going SO VERY VERY well and getting to be a part of it.
Getting to watch David Nykl prank call "Our" [the Stargate Offworld Track] Zelenka. Freakin' Priceless!
Robert Englund saying my name... *shiver*
Getting stopped several times for photos while in my Jack costume.
Cliff Simon actually remembering me 2 and a half days later even with my glasses on and no cleavage in site!
MUTINY!!! *giggle*
And, for THE biggest, bestest, most made of win with awesomesauce and 3 cherries Highlight...
A will try and get a more detailed report up tomorrow along with all my photos.