Dec 09, 2006 19:01
I can't shake this feeling. I am all of a sudden really sad and I just want to get ride of this. All I really ever want to do is sleep and then after sleep if I can't sleep is eat 24/7. WHy I am doing this why am I so sad and all of that. All I want to to sleep and just never wake up for like a month or longer!!!!!!!!! Why does this have to happen to me?? What is wrong with me?? What is causing this is it just.......... IDK why the fuck must this happen I am always happy usually I got what I wanted for this year my calsses and everything I am doing great in the classes too!!! What is wrong with me I am so sick of this shit and everything it seems like. I go from Hyper happy to just sadness where I just want to be left alone or just cuddle with someone or something(like a stuffy, they are so comfortable and loven in a way like the way where you are just happy to hold something) What the fuck is wrong with me.
Some one FUCKING HELP ME I need help but IDK how. Save me from myself from what I am turning into maybe or what is going on with me!!!!!!!!!!!!