OK, I thought I'd humour you all w/an update.
Things are going well. Nothing new on any front that hasn't been same old same old for ages.
I graduated w/my Masters in May. I finished my last course this past week. It was exhausting. I'm still going back in the fall and the spring for certification classes. I don't know when/if I'll find a job. I hope I do. For this past school year, I spent my internship at St. Mary's School for the Deaf. That was fun and exciting and has opened up that possibility of going back and becoming a counselor there.
Work is still work, nothing new there. Trying to find a new job that I'll enjoy more. I know lots of people who hate getting up and going to work on Mondays, but I'm like that all week long.
Wedding planning is going well. I made an update in
weddingplans today. Not only my introduction post, but also my update. If you care to read them, they are
here and
here. Many of you already know my background, so it's not that exciting.
Hope everyone is doing well. You may find another update from me this week. I'm off for the week and really I don't have anything planned. (: