Apr 11, 2010 08:33
Nothing interesting I'm afraid. Bascially.... my internet has been acting up, now I'm afraid its my wireless card, but I need to get my grad school work done. So I can't afford to play with it anymore today until I've caught up on my classes and reading. (Missed 3 classes, so gotta watch those, and some of those classes are assigning oh so ever entertaining reading). All day its going to be laundry, and aeroelastics. Grad school is very hard. And this is just my first class! I have no official textbook but I do have 4 reference txt books. I'll have to scan in a page of my textbook, the math on there is definatly not HS math that was covered on the GRE. Its full on calculus with gradients, stokes and green's theorm, integrals. I'm looking at a simple equation trying to remember the chain rule and other rules of integration/derivation.
It's gonna be a long 4 years. Plus I want to get back to knitting either the baby blanket or my sweater....both of which are on hold today until classes can be completed. Go me!
The only plus I have is that even though its sunny out, its kinda cold. So I'm not missing much, but my office isn't set up right, so I've got to work in the dinning room which is a bit on the dark and dingy side of things.