Weird birthday dreams

Mar 30, 2008 12:26

I had a really strange dream last night and it has inspired me to post here. But first some backstory. My birthday is April 3. Today is the 30th. so a few days early. Also I am currently reading alot of Snarry fanfiction, But this dream was definately not about Snape or Harry. Let me explain the dream now.

I am in a large school, seems like a college, I am walking through the halls noticing many reconstruction projects taking place. Then 2 identical red haired boys drag me into a corridor. i immediately know them as Fred and George weasly from harry potter. I ask them what they are doing and they say together, "Giving you your birthday present." I was then kissed, rather passionatly, by each in turn. Before I am able to recover from the shock and...arousal of the kisses the boys are gone. I spen several "dream minutes" searching the large school for them but to no avail.

Man was that a great birthday preasent. I am more of a Snarry person and don't often read about the waesly twins but I think I might have to search out some since this dream has awakend a new interest for me. I am still realing from the dream and it is past noon. :)

fred weasly, dream, george weasly

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