the weekend that tired me out

Oct 17, 2005 22:05

Had to collect 30 cartons of neWater and thank god for hoongster and Esmond! After long trip to Kranji water plant and back, ref-ed ntu/smu game before heading down to Boo's new workplace the Pink Parlour at 63, Kim Yan place for an aches and pains massage. GOOD STUFF! i recommend that place to all! ask for BOO! fell asleep and felt nice and relaxed for saturdat's trng.

Damn, training was tough under hot sun and i think my fancy new turf shoes are too small for me. poor toes hurt like mad! had a horrible lunch at turf city albeit good sharing of school jokes. then gave Has a lift down to Pink Parlour before heading to contact game. Dinner at 6th Avenue was not bad at all, especially the xiaolong bao. hmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmm.

Woke up at bloody 6.40pm to get ready for Touch by the Beach. Made it to Sentosa in time and after lining fields, unloading neWater and water container from donut, event kicked off to a light drizzle which eventually cleared. Refereeing went pretty fine but was a bit of a harrowing experience in the Open category where teams got really competitive. All in all, good stuff except for the cold and shivers from the downpour in the afternoon. Finally done at 4plus and had to transport the damp and dirty equipment in pooor donut to turf city. then sent marli and siti home before i conked out from 7.30pm to 6.45am this morning.

School went by and suddenly hit me that I have shitloads of work to do before I leave for All Nations next Monday! S-T-R-E-S-S! doesn;t help that Oasis Touch is gonna be happening this coming weekend as well. anyhow got by today fairly well. Gonne finish PCE513 assignment by tonight, and even had time to spare to go for hot/cold pool therapy for the charlie's horse on my right thigh and dinner at simpang with pinkjellymouse. but been lao-ing my guts out from the tom yam yellow mee, prata bomb and tehpeng.

it's gonna be a looong week ahead.
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