Chapter 5

Jun 27, 2011 11:38

The next day started out ok other than me sleeping in until 9:30 am the next morning, Dean was knocking on the door and Gabriel sat up which made me fall out of bed waking Castiel up to yell at Dean that we would be down when we were dress which had made a freaked out Dean run away.

By the time I got up off the floor and dressed in my red lacy bra and panties, red fishnet stockings, black pleated mini skirt and red fishnet long sleeved shirt black t-shirt and my black leather combat boots, Gabriel and Castiel were dressed and too busy drooling looking at me while I brush my long hair back into perfection.

“Come on boys its breakfast time,” I say as I am walking out the door, which makes them fallow me. “You know I am starting to think you are just stray puppies and not Noble Angels as the Bible makes you out to be, Castiel, Gabriel.”

When we walked into the dining room I glared at Dean and he smirked at me so I just walked over to the only empty chairs, sat down and filled up my plated with pancaked, strawberries and maple syrup and ate every little piece on my plate well keeping the plate away from Gabriel when he tried to eat off my plate instead of his own.

“Gabriel you should know better than to attempt to eat Samantha’s food when she is hungry,” Lucifer says as he walks in to the room fallowed by a woman that is 5”8 with long electric blue hair, light blue eyes that flash purple (showing that she wasn’t just a low level demon and not to be messed with), pale almost white skin wearing a navy blue corset, black mini skirt and black combat boots. She could not be anybody but the famous Demonic Witch Queen Audrey.

“Hey, Audrey,” Arwen said, confirming my suspicions. “You’re here at last! Did you miss me?”

“Yeah, I missed you, it’s so boring without you around all the time but I guess it’s going to be just like old times. Even with the twins coming to be the full time healers since they are healers since they are not warriors and we almost lost them last week while the three of us were visiting your mom,” Audrey says with a glare at Lucifer who attempted to hide behind Michael who just smirked and moved out of the way. “If your father didn’t decide to show up when he had we would have lost both of our best fully trained Healers. They should show up later today if you don’t mind Bobby? I remember when I had met you 5 years ago. You knew who I am and what I am and still didn’t attempt to kill me or exercise me even though it wouldn’t have worked instead you introduced yourself and asked why I was more powerful than the normal Demons that you had met! Do you remember what I said next?”

“You just told me that you’re the Demonic Witch Queen and then asked me if I wanted to have a drink with you,” Bobby says with a chuckle, “Over a few you told me that the Demons where getting out of control and that some of them wanted to end the world but you couldn’t tell me why you were telling me all this but it would become clear about around the next time that we meet. I like the blue hair better then when it was orange.”

“I’m here now, so what do you think about the timing?” she asked.

“You have the best of timing,” he muttered, louder he said, “and the best taste in alcohol.”

“That what most people tell me but they also tell me I am sometimes a super bitch,” she said giggling, “It’s not hard to see how they think that either since I sometimes beat up the guy that hits on me until either Lucifer or Jaden pulls me off of them. The reason why is because they think they are better than all the women that they go out with and cheat on.”

“I remember the first time that this had happened but by the time that I even got there he was dead,” Lucifer says thoughtfully, “I think it was in Rome during the time that Marcus Aralias was the Empire of Rome. You did give John Winchester a run for his money when he found you and found out that you were different than any Demon that he came across, you guys became drinking buddies just 10 years after he had become a hunter and you gave him information about the different types of Demons but not how to kill you or them.”

“We found out something recently and I need to tell you it now,” Audrey says seriously, looking like she was about to start crying. “This just happened last night and Lucifer wasn’t with me at the time that I had gotten this info. Last night there was an attack on your mother Arwen, your mother and sister made it but everyone else that had been in the castle didn’t get out in time. Queen Kira had gotten out without serious injury but Princess Violet is in a coma Jaden and Alice had stabilized her by the time that they had gotten them to a safe house but they are going to move both of them here.”

“I just want to know what you want to do to this house after I had some sleep. Just write down all that needs to be done and what you already have so I don’t get it all mixed up in my head. I’m just need a place to lay my head now. Where can I do that?”

“There is a bedroom on the other side of the library I will show you where the room is,” Bobby says getting up out of his chair and holds out his arm for her to take which she does.

“It has been such a long time since I have met someone who is such a gentleman,” Audrey says as they round the corner towards the library.

“Why don’t we all just head to the living room now since we are finished breakfast,” Dean suggested well he was trying to get away from Michael’s wandering hands, Lucifer just looked amused but headed in the direction of the living room anyways. “You know Lucifer; it’s not really nice to find my predicament amusing
because it’s not really amusing. Michael can you keep your hands to yourself for one minute?”

“Not really,” Michael answered. “I just can’t get enough of you.”

“That’s all fine and dandy but what I am asking is for you to tone it down a little bit,” Dean says, with everybody looking like they are watching a tennis match it was just so funny that Gabriel started giggling and since giggling is a little contagious like yawning is everyone started joining in not knowing how it started but thinking the whole situation was ironic only able to stop to catch their breath but they kept starting up again. As he was giggling Dean says, “You know, even though the situation isn’t that funny I can’t seem to stop.”

“I think you might be right,” Lucifer says as he falls down because he was laughing so damn hard, “You know what? I don’t know about you but I need a good strong drink about now. Do you know where Bobby hides his Rum, Whisky or any of the other strong stuff, Dean?”

“He hides them behind his desk; I think he thinks that I don’t know about his alcohol stash,” Dean ponders out loud, “I think that he doesn’t know that I even found his ecret stash when I was looking for information on a hunt me a Sammy had been on about 3 or 4 years ago. If you want Vodka, he has about 3 or 5 in the freezer at a time.”

“Leave one bottle of Vodka if you’re going to have any because I use that stuff to clean out all types of open wounds with that stuff because it is easier to just grab Vodka then to remember to get a bottle of antiseptic all the time if you think about how many times that you, Samantha, John or another injured Hunter that didn’t want to get to the Hospital at all,” Bobby says walking in, “And you better buy me another bottle of whatever any of you finish the bottle of ok?”

“Yes, Bobby we know the drill by now,” Arwen says well nursing a bottle of Whisky and hanging off of Crowley and the chair the they had conveniently made into a love seat, “Can I have a smoke in here, Bobby ‘cause I don’t feel like walking outside to have one at the moment.”

“Sure you can as long as you don’t burn down the house and a window is open to let the Cigarette smoke filters out of the house,” Bobby says, amused at how everyone was acting.

“Thanks,” Arwen says as she reaches inside Crowley’s pocket knowing that he has her Cigarette pack and a lighter in his pocket, as she is lighting her smoke up she asks, “Why do ya always get my smokes and lighters, Crowley?”

“I just remember to grab them in case you might want one,” he answered with a kiss to her temple, “It might also be that you’re not always wearing your pants or have your leather jacket on you.”

“Hey Arwen, can I have a smoke?” I asked, dangling a bottle of Vodka in my fingers, I was laying with my head on Gabriel’s lap as he strokes my hair and my lags on Castiel’s lap with him rubbing on of my lags as they throw back shots of Tequila.

“Sure, here,” Arwen says, handing me a smoke and her lighter. “I didn’t even know you smoked, Sammy.”

“Yeah, well, Dean can tell you all about the time that he caught me smoking about a week before I went off to College, “I say, as a grab the offered smoke and lighter, “He didn’t say anything but told me not to get caught by dad. I think he knew that anything he did or said would make me want to quit smoking at all.”

“You know I didn’t care as long as you didn’t get into trouble or end up in a Hospital and I still don’t care because I can’t control what you did with your life,” Dean says as I lit the smoke and handed the lighter back, “I care about you, your my little sister, I just won’t tell you what to do with your life it’s your choice, Samantha. You better remember that.”

“I sometimes wonder what dad would have said if he had found me smoking some days,” I wondered out loud. What do you think, Dean?”

“I think he would have told you to leave an never come back like he did when you told him that you were going to Stanford,” he answers, “And you were also the one that had threatened to set dad’s hair or clothes on fire whenever he got you pissed off because he had to get your Tampons more than once. I think he was absolutely freaked at having to think about you being a big girl and all.”

“I just thought he was in denial about me being a girl at all since I liked cars and video games more than shopping for clothes or makeup,” I say, flicking my cigarette and thinking about all the times that he had to do laundry and finding a bra. “He never did question me about all the feminine clothing or anything like that
when he was doing laundry! He just told me that I was going to do my own laundry. I don’t remember a time when he blushed that much when talking to me.”

“I also remember the time that he had Ellen give you the talk because he was a little too freaked out with the concept of having to give his own little 13 year old daughter the talk after he gave me the same talk,” he says, chuckling at the memory of our dad stuttering while asking Ellen if she could give me the talk. “I think he wanted to shoot himself for just thinking that he might have had to give you the talk in his life time. I don’t think I had laughed so hard watching him ask Ellen for help.”

“It was better than if dad had given me the talk. She at least knew what she was talking about,” I said dreamily.

“So, Bobby, what do you think we should have for lunch and supper?” Arwen asked, changing the subject suddenly knowing that the conversation would get a little awkward or everyone when people start going down memory lane because who knows what bad memories someone could bring up unconsciously.

“I was thinking that you could, if you wanted to, make a spaghetti sauce, the pasta could be raviolis and garlic bread, that you were telling me about yesterday afternoon,” Bobby suggested, “and can you make enough for an army?”

“That I can do and have done in the past since my Demon friends came over a lot and ate so much,” she answered. “What does everybody think about a Strawberry Cheesecake sound for dessert?”

“You always made the best desserts, Arwen,” Lucifer says with an exasperated sigh, “Just make sure Michael stays away from dessert before its time to eat it or better yet make extras, we don’t want Michael or Dean eating all the Cheesecake before anybody else gets a slice like last time Michael ate all the Pecan Pie before anybody else could eat their slice!”

When I saw Dean look at me and stick his tongue out which I reacted by giving him a slap telekinetic slap over the back of his head for acting like a kid and looking innocent all at the same time.

“Samantha and Dean Winchester, both of you stop acting like misbehaving children or I will send you both to your rooms like I did when you stayed over when you were kids and John sent both of you to me whenever he couldn’t handle the way you both were acting,” Bobby says, looking pissed off at the way we were acting, Dean leans back into Michael and hides his face in Michael’s neck embarrassed that Bobby called him on his childish behaviour. “You know on second thought, Dean go and work on that car I told you had to be fixed by Friday afternoon.”

“Yes sir,” Dean says, getting up and dragging Michael out the back door with an amused look on Michaels face.

It was quieter once Dean and Michael left, everyone relaxing and drinking whatever alcoholic drink that they his or her hand at the moment or in Gabriel and Lucifer’s case, snapping up whatever bottle of alcohol that was either suggested to them or hey thought of the selves but they both look at me strange when I suggest

“Hey, don’t look at me like that, Gabriel;” I say defensibly, “I tried it once when Jessica and I were going through the try almost anything that could be drunk in Liquor store… Don’t blame me that it became one of my favourites because you can either drink it or eat it when it is made with this pastry thing, which I can’t remember the name of but tasted so good.”

“Did you for get to snap up some Absinth, dad?” Arwen asked.

“Shit, yes I did,” Lucifer says sheepishly, snapping up 2 of said bottles.

“Don’t you think that’s enough alcohol yet?” Audrey says, stepping in to the room and grabbing the bottle of Whisky that Bobby holds out for her to take and takes a gulp as she sits on the seat that Michael and Dean had vacated a while ago. “So, Bobby where is the most center of your property so I can cast the protection spells that you need to keep this place safe and Chaos free? Oh, and pass the Absinth, Lucifer, I am going to have to have something stronger then Whisky to pull this off. Now show me where I could get a lay of the land

With a bottle of Absinth in one hand, Audrey followed Bobby out the back doors.

“This is going to be a long day,” I say, grabbing a shot of Drambuie and throwing it back in one go. “Want to start lunch now, Arwen? You know how hungry they get when they are working most of the day away.”

“Lunch and Supper should be started at the same time since the sauce would take all day to cook,” Arwen says, “I’m going to need a bottle of red wine if you could snap that up it would be appreciated. Come on Sammy, you’re going to help me cook supper today!”

Following Arwen into the kitchen with the bottle of wine that Gabriel snapped up and put into my arms, I think that it will be a good year this year and that we will win this war that Raphael started but didn’t think up.

sam/castiel/gabriel, kink: genderswap

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