Jun 25, 2010 03:27
I am in the worst head space right now..
I just feel like i'm this hideous monster that no one will ever love, because I have a big nose,weird bushy eyebrow,dry skin,small boobs,big butt,jiggly belly, stupid hair.......I just wanna stab or rip or just destroy SOMETHING!
I just want to get these feelings out of my head! GET OUT! GET OUT! GET OUT! GET OUT!!!! >_<
I have been on the verge of tears pretty much all night..God I don't even know...GAH!
I just wanna start punching something and keep punching it until I pass out from exhaustion.
I'm not pretty enough to find someone to love me...I don't have a good enough job to pay for anything...I'm not smart enough to go back to school....I'm just not enough..ever.
It doesn't help when you really like this guy...but he just wants to be friends..so you try to move on...and yet everyone always comes to you about info on him cuz you should know right your always with him anyway right? FUCK THAT BULLSHIT! If you wanna know what he is doing ask him!
I am NOT his personal secretary!
I need to get out of this fucking town...I just want to disappear.....melt away...poof!