Mar 11, 2009 02:39
How do you handle the parents of the children your kids play or go to school with?
I was reading some of the other posts, such as the Ostara VS Easter, and remembered some problems and some successes when dealing with the parents of the children my son associates with.
Problem: Spring 2008 Easter & Ostara fell on the calender just a couple days apart. Several of the parents of my son's class sent 'Happy Easter' spring treat bags with 'God loves you this much' cards that depict Jesus on them. I sent spring treat bags with 'Happy Ostara & Happy Easter' little ID cards on them. A couple of the parents, all of whom sent the 'Happy Easter' bags, pitched a fit over my including a 'Happy Ostara' greeting on the bags.
Success: Fall 2008 the new neighbors from down the street, who have a kid about the same age as mine, come over and we have a fun little party to celebrate Samhain. After the party they go trick-or-treating. The next day they bring over a big bag of candy for my son since he missed out on trick-or-treating because he was sick.