I just found out that on June 25th Kathy Lee Gifford, host of The Today Show, made a derogatory comment about pagans. I first found out this morning in an e-mail and then found it on a group on CafeMom. She was doing a wedding segment and asked people why the wedding ring was worn on the left hand ring finger.
Kathy Lee: Why do you wear your wedding band on your left hand ring
finger? Is it because (a) most people write with their right hand? Is
it (b), because Egyptians believed that finger follows the vein of
love to the heart, or (c), the Pagans -- the nasty, bad Pagans --
believed it was bad luck to wear metal on your right side?
OMG! A lot of pagans are writing The Today Show to demand that she publically appologize. If she had said something like this about any other religion then there would be a public outrage.
The video of Gifford's comment can be found at the link following, about 5 minutes in:
http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/25368216#25368216 E-mails can be sent to : today@nbc.com
Also, a petition has been started
http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/quotnasty-bad-pagansquot-protesting-hate-speech-on-nbc Website:
http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/p/25368216#25368216 Telephone: (212) 644-4249 (press 1 and ask to speak with Jim Bell, who is the Producer of the Today Show, and complain directly to him)