Jan 27, 2007 20:47
Summary: Summaries give away the story, and for only $1 a day you can help put a stop to Summaries....0.O {Don't ask...}
Pairing: Vam
Disclaimer: As real as my hair color....
Author: Theresa
I am Death
Ville looked around at the blank white walls and the empty corridor.
“Where am I?” His voice echoed off the walls, No one answered. He wasn’t sure if he expected anyone to.
Ville turned and walked in the other direction, hoping to find an exit. The hospital walls, well at least it looked like a hospital, glowed with a strange blue light.
“Hello?” No answer, He gasped when he saw double doors with a sign proclaiming it as an exit. The Finn pulled them open expecting to see his fiancé laughing at him for falling for his prank, but as he opened the doors wider he saw the streets of North Philadelphia were empty and the buildings glowed with the same blue light as the hospital walls.
“What the hell is going on?” Ville’s voice didn’t echo like at the hospital, and he noticed that, as he looked around, there was no way he could be in North Philly. He didn’t know why he knew, he just had a feeling.
“Where am I ?” He wasn’t expecting an answer, but he got one.
“Your in Limbo.” a shadow appeared in front of him, it was formless, and Ville couldn’t tell if the voice had come from it.
“What are you?” As he asked, the shadow changed into a man with greasy looking shoulder length hair. He was dressed in a long black cloak.
“I am Death.” He said this with a sad, cocky smile.
“Why am I here?” Ville asked getting a little annoyed at not having his questions answered.
“Your dead.” Death held out his hand and a piece of parchment appeared in his hand.
“What the hell is going on?!” The man looked up from the paper.
“I told you, your dead, now, lets get going.” Ville was about to ask where they were going when he realized he had read his mind! Death pulled a necklace from his cloak, it was silver with two jewels in the center, one blue the other green.
“What is that?”
“It opens the portals to Paradise and the spirit plane.”
“ok, I know what paradise is but, what is the spirit plane?” Death looked annoyed at the questions but answered anyway.
“It’s the place where evil souls are damned to wander forever, able to see the living but they cant interact with them.”
“Oh….. Where am I going?” Ville sucked in a deep breath expecting bad news.
“You, Ville Valo are going to…” Death looked at the paper again.
Comments = Vam sex COOKIES!!!
Constructive criticism is muchly appreciated ^_^