Sep 23, 2012 18:59
Greetings fellow witchy types! I just joined and I come seeking thoughts on infertility and magic.
I have known all my life that I couldn't have children. IFV isn't an option though we hope to adopt some day soon (I'll not bore you with medical details but PM me if your curious, I won't mind :-)!). I also love to write and be creative in general. However, I have ALWAYS struggled with completing any major creative project as much as I try and especially here lately. Recently I have had the thought that there may some connection between not being able to give birth to children and not being able to fully "give birth" to my ideas. Mind, body, and soul are more connected than we can imagine and I wonder if there is some kind of creative block there, no doubt made worse by my focusing on baby fever. Am I crazy to think that what's true for the body can effect the soul and spirit? Any other infertile witches experience this correlation? Any suggestions on breaking this link and clearing creative blockages magically? I'm pretty apt at making my own spells and such but just wanted some thoughts before I proceed with anything.
Thanks for listening and if this is triggering for anyone, let me know and I'll put it under a cut.
Hope everyone's Mabon was wonderful and Happy Harvest Times!
To add before I'm asked: I have sought therapy for infertility and am dealing as well as can be expected (baby fever is no fun no matter how much therapy you get) and am mostly at peace with things as they are. Just a wee impatient! I'm also married and 26; hubby is 29. We just don't have the funds for adoption just now.