Religious hangups...

Jan 04, 2010 10:57

I was raised in the Baptist religion, and my mother is a very devout christian, and so are my grandparents, but ever since I was a teenager and found out what Wicca is, I realized that I have quite a few beliefs that stem from this religion also. I strongly believe in the Threefold Law, and the idea of "And Harm It None Do What Ye Will", and the idea of importannce of nature/animals in Wicca, and how each color corresponds to a different God/Goddess, or idea, such as "purity", etc...I've read different versions of the Wiccan Rede, but can't really understand it, and years ago I bought a book by Silver Ravenwolf called "Teen Witch: Wicca for a New Generation", and to this day almost keep iy by my side, just like I do my Bible (New World Translation or New International Version, just because they're easier to read/understand), and I even have a small yellow book (not a bible) that I got from a friend who is a devouit Jehovah's Witness (though I am not, and disagree with a LOT of their beliefs) called "What Does The Bible Really Teach" that I really like....

But i'm in conflict. I believe in ideas in Christianity also, such as the Ten Commandments, stories from the bible i've been brought up to know, etc...but I also believe a lot in Wicca.
After living with this conflict for years, i've come to know/call myself a "Christian Wiccan"...I know they contradict themselves, but it's the only thing that makes sense to me. I've even found this site: Wicca: For the Rest of Us - Christian Wicca

So what do you guys think??

christian-wicca, terminology

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