proof that the world is never going to be at peace

Jun 22, 2005 11:56

Taken from Live Journal ColorMeAwesome
Read this, it's worth your while.
I want everyone who reads this to pass this on somehow. Something has to be done. This is not a hoax. Meet Zach (His Myspace , who lives in Tennessee. He's sixteen. Really dead-on guy, as far as I can see. Smart, friendly, kind.

Oh, and gay. There's the problem, to his parents, who have enrolled him in an indoctrination camp run by 'Christians' to turn him 'right'. If you follow that link to his blog and scroll down to 29th May, you can hear this in his own words. [I really suggest reading his blog entries] Just in case something happens to the entry in question, I'm reposting the document he found that contains the rules of this camp.

So apparently the guys parents lied to him about the program, and he somehow got a hold of those rules, as he wasn't supposed to (as you can tell by all the "not to be given to client"s in there. It seems that none of the clients are to know what the program is actually about until they get there, in effect, tricking/forcing them into going. I suggest you all read it... [they are very long, so you can skim and get the main idea, it's a gross violation of rights]

( The Rules )

My addition:

Link to the websites that run this place:
LoveInAction (what a hypocritical name)
ASafePlace (Safe from what? Real love?)

Good Links:
Zach's Blog
A petition to free Zach
The blog of the protest movement going on outside of LoveInAtion
His story is also found in an article here (which also has some links)

Take Action!
Email the ACLU about this, citing the gross affront to the Constitutional and Human rights being suffered by Zach and many others, at this address:

Found at gsa colormeawesome and _queer_teens_ and various personal livejournals

I am cross posting it to green_stripe true_directions samogsa and rainbowgirls as well as my personal LJ

Even though Zach is supposed to be released soon, this shouldn't be happening. And he is just one of many. Way too many. And who knows what will happen to him when he gets out- especially how he will be treated by his parents- and what his emotional state might be.

Thank you for reading

The blog of the protest movement:
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