Oct 15, 2012 05:40
It's been a while, so here's the down and dirty:
*Jen and I had a fight. I have not heard from her since Friday.
Yes, I'm okay. No, I don't need to talk about anymore than I have.
*I have passed both my BCA and my PRT, which means I'm finally eligible
to be frocked. I'll let you all know when that happy day comes.
*The new Pathfinder campaign is coming along really well. We have a great group
of players with richly developed characters. Saturdays are quickly becoming my
favorite day of the week.
*I've a new idea for a webcomic. It revolves around a female main character. She's
blind, and when she applies for a seeing eye dog, she recieves a cockatrice instead.
Hijinks ensue. I'd love some input on a title, as I'm at a complete loss.
And that folks, has been my life for the past ... however long it's been since I last posted.
I swear, one of these days, I'll get in the habit of posting regularly.
Try not to kill each other,