These kids are hysterical XD

Dec 19, 2007 21:56

I'm finishing up a few more hours of observing with the kindergarten class I went to before and I'll be there for the rest of the week. Well, now that school is out, I don't have notes to take, so I can spend more time interacting with the kids. *cracks up* And they're just too damn cute for words. The stuff they say sometimes.. oh jeeze..

There's one little cutie that is just a LEACH on me the entire time I'm there XD Well, he begged me to help him with his spelling, so I stayed over there trying to keep him on task since he kept asking me about a MILLION questions. Oh lordy, and I don't know how to respond sometimes ^^;

Me: *happens to reach into my pocket and finds my ring I had taken off earlier. Slips it back on my right hand*
Boy: .. I didn't know you married someone.
Me: huh?.. Oh! Oh, no, it would be on the other hand if I was married.
Boy: So, you're haven't married anyone?
Me: Nope, now let's keep working. Do you remember how to make a 'G'?
Boy: How come you haven't married anyone yet?
Me: .. Uh, well, I haven't found anyone yet.
Boy: You could marry my dad!!
Me: *blinks, then giggles* Uh, sweetie, I don't think your mom would like that very much.
Boy: .. My mom and dad don't get along anymore...
Me: *frowns a little*
Boy: He says he doesn't like fat people anymore.
Me: *o.o;; on the inside* Uh.. um, well, let's finish up your worksheet. Do you remember how to make a 'G'? ^^;;;;

Honestly, what do I say? XDD But, other than that, he's just too cute. I mean, he even pretends he doesn't know how to spell at all so I keep working with him, and then if I have another little kid ask me a question, he starts piping up all jealous, "Aren't you gonna help me? You said you'd help! Are you gonna help me spell?" XDD

And, he drew me a picture and shared his Goldfish crackers with me today XD
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