Hi Bruv'. How's things?
Yeah, okay I guess.
You don't sound too sure. Usual? Red wine?
Thanks. I'm loosing my ability to communicate.
Uhh ohh..., been arguing again have we?
Not really. Got to talking with that lot who hang about outside Kwikki Nosh. I was saying what seems obvious, but they just couldn't - or wouldn't - get it. They slagged me
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I think your timing was impeccable; I've noticed before that LJ often seems to be a few minutes out of sync with the rest of the world. Besides, to use your own estimable East-End language, I don't care diddly-squat about a minute here or there - the thought says it all.
As for my life there isn't much to know. I'm just an ancient Hermit who lives alone in a cave and hopes that when a bear comes wandering up his rocky path it isn't hungry. The children don't come and play in my garden because they think it's haunted, but that's okay because they have the rest of the world to play in. The postman wouldn't visit, even if there was a letter, because the grown-ups think the strange grizzled old man lives with the bears and would probably maul them.
Indeed it is a sunny day, and the birds and animals in the garden are full of the joys of Spring.
p.s. It makes me smile when a young lady uses a word like "b*l*x"! I don't know why - it should'nt seem incongruous but it does.
Welcome back ieatorigami. now nearly a third of the people on my lj friend's list are you Hannah! Haahahaa....
All fondness, Wibby.
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