My Brown Mouse
Three in the morning.
Thin curtains drawn across the night billow gracefully for the passing ghosts of memories.
Candles flicker, casting wisps of sweet vanilla breath into a swirling airborne waltz. A slow motion dance that fades gracefully into the unending dark pool of time
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Hahaa, it seems we've both been very quiet on LJ for a while. I did wonder if you'd moved on and arisen from the ashes like a phoenix with a new livejournal name. Hahaa, I've heard rumours that sort of thing can happen. :)
No, this is a different completely allegorical mouse. It was written in 2003 (dates on the bottom) - that's two years before I knew you as Pesca.
One should never explain one's writing, but since it's about a personal situation perhaps a little background information is okay. For a few years I had a young and very beautiful lady friend. We spent a lot of time together when she was going through a tough spell in her life. At the time her self esteem was very low, and she acted very shy and reticent and avoided social contact. She was an interesting person and had it in her to be sharp and very witty when OCD wasn't holding her down. Like any other twenty-something she wasn't in the slightest attracted to old men, so although I'm sure she was fond of me, we didn't have a "full relationship". My attraction to her was pretty "total", but I can't get sexually exited about anyone who finds me unattractive, so there was no tension between us on that score. (Pretty sure - don't think she'd have hung around for five years if there was.)
I think that your mouse (in the photos in Wibbledom Notional Gallery) did all right. Last Spring I dared to go down to the place where I released him the previous Summer and checked the nest site I had arranged. It had been re-furbished and was still being occupied, although nobody was home at the time. I'm hoping that means he survived the winter and went on to have a family.
Hahahaa... I've never thought to compare you to a mouse Hannah, allegorical or real. The connection was with your concern and affection for animals. (I once caught myself thinking of small furry ones as "Hannimals", as a fond tribute.)
I've lost the wit to write these days, but I still follow your diary. You've had some ups and some downs, but my instinct tells me you'll get it together and do all right some day. I'm pretty sure the mouse did, and I think my young ladyfriend has found a sparkly new life for herself. Although I can feel very pessimistic about the big picture, (Nature v Man) I'm optimistic about things on an individual scale. I'm not keen on repeating platitudes or clichés, but can't avoid the saying "If it doesn't kill you it will make you stronger".
Well, this has taken me four days to write: time to stretch my poor old legs!
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