You Were Always On My Mind (6/9)

Feb 01, 2009 10:38

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"I don’t think you get how much I want us to be together."

Scotty grinned into his pillow. After the complete lack of sleep last night, he again called in sick to work to try to get some rest. He couldn’t afford to keep taking off, he knew, but right now he didn’t want anything more than to curl up into bed, to breathe in the slight trace of Kevin’s scent on the sheets, to remember the conversation in the car this morning. And so, with Kevin’s voice continuously repeating in his head, he closed his eyes and prepared for sweet dreams.

Hours later, after he had finally caught up on sleep, Scotty dragged himself out of bed. Kevin would be home from work soon, and they would probably need to talk some more. He went into the kitchen and opened the fridge. Grimacing at the leftovers from last night, he took them out and tossed them. He didn’t think he’d be able to eat crab any time soon. Maybe lobster, Scotty thought with a smirk, but not crab. He then grabbed some chicken and some spices and began to prepare dinner.

Right after he put the chicken in the oven to bake, Scotty heard the door open.

"Scotty?" Kevin called.

"Yeah, just a sec!" he answered as he quickly rinsed his hands. Grabbing a towel, he dried them as he walked out to the living room. Kevin was carrying several cardboard boxes. "What on earth...?" Scotty asked.

Kevin kicked the door closed behind him. "I’m going to pack some stuff up. Make some room for your things," he said, slightly hesitantly.

Scotty stared at Kevin for a few seconds. Kevin started to grow red.

"Or not. I just thought you’d - "

"Kevin, put those boxes down."

"Scotty, you said - "

"Put them down right now."

Kevin did, and Scotty grabbed his belt buckle, dragging him into the bedroom.

After thoroughly expressing his appreciation to Kevin, Scotty was lying with his head on Kevin’s naked chest, listening to his heartbeat slow. Kevin lifted himself up just enough to kiss the top of Scotty’s head before dropping back to the pillow.

"Wow," he murmured.

Scotty merely smiled.

They stayed there quietly for a few moments, enjoying the closeness. Then Kevin sat up abruptly, dislodging Scotty.

"Scotty, is something burning?"

Scotty stared at him in confusion before realization struck. "Oh my God!" He rolled quickly off the bed and disappeared from the bedroom.

Kevin followed at a slower pace, arriving in the kitchen just as the smoke alarm began to beep. He handed Scotty his boxers before climbing onto a chair and turning the alarm off. Kevin looked down at Scotty, who was glaring at the burnt chicken in annoyance.

"Want to go out?" Kevin asked.


"You should have seen him," Jordan laughed as he ate a bite of his sandwich. "He stuck out like a sore thumb."

"Come on, be nice," Scotty scolded him. He turned to Tracy. "It wasn’t that bad."

"He was wearing a suit!" Jordan countered. "He said he wasn’t a karaoke 'type'. At a karaoke bar! Has he had, like, a fun-ectomy or something?"

Scotty stopped with his fork halfway to his mouth and scoffed at Jordan. "You’re not being fair."

Tracy came to Scotty’s aid. "Really, Jordan. At least he’s making an effort. Give him a chance."

Jordan, ever stubborn, shook his head. "I’m sorry, I can’t. I was there through the first round of the Kevin Saga. He’s going to have to try a lot harder to make up for some of that crap."

Scotty sighed, shaking his head as he reached for his water.


Scotty nearly tripped as he maneuvered Kevin towards the bed.

"I meant it, you know," Kevin slurred.

"Meant what?" Scotty asked quietly as he helped Kevin sit down and then knelt to pull off his shoes.

"The song. So many things...should have done," Kevin yawned.

Scotty laughed. "You’re drunk. Go to sleep."

"Kay," Kevin agreed and burrowed into the pillow. He started singing softly, but only got out something that sounded like it might have been "if I made you feel second-best" before he started snoring.

Scotty watched him for a few seconds before he stood up, removing his tie as he headed into the bathroom.


Scotty woke early the next morning and drove to the store as soon as he was dressed. When he got back, Kevin was still passed out. He propped the newly-purchased CD in between a glass of water and the bottle of pain-killers. Then he slipped quietly out of the bedroom and went to work.

Several hours later, his cell rang. He stepped into the locker room before answering.

"How much did I drink last night?" Kevin groaned.

"A lot," Scotty laughed.

"What’s with the CD?"

"You don’t remember?"

There was a brief pause and then Kevin whispered, "Oh my God. Please tell me Sarah didn’t take pictures."

"Not that I know of."

"Thank God. I can’t believe I did that."

"I liked it," Scotty countered with a small smile.

"You did?" Kevin suddenly sounded quite smug.

"Yeah." Scotty looked quickly around the room to make sure nobody was there before he continued. "Honestly, Kevin. Even after everything, there was a small part of me that still wasn’t convinced, you know, that I wasn’t second choice. But Kevin. You serenaded me. In public."

"Scotty," Kevin said firmly. "You were never second choice."

Scotty exhaled and smiled. "I know."

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jordan, series:always on my mind, tracy

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