Boys and their Toys (1/1)

Jan 31, 2010 01:30

Title: Boys and their Toys
Author: WibbleyWobbley
Pairing: Kevin/Scotty
Rating: G/PG
Summary: Scotty says goodbye to something important to him.
Spoilers: One line hints at an upcoming episode; everything else, you should be good if you're all caught up.
Word Count: ~1,210
Disclaimer: Alas, still not mine.

Kevin had lost track of time and the outside world as he worked at home, and the sound of the key in the door startled him. He checked his watch, raising his eyebrows in shock as he realized how late it was. He turned away from the computer just as Scotty stepped inside the loft.

“Hey, you’re home late.”

Scotty sighed as he walked over to the couch. “Oh, I know. Just - ” He shook his head, oofing as he sat down. Kevin handed him his beer, and Scotty smiled gratefully before taking a sip. He handed it back to Kevin, then tilted his head backwards, closing his eyes as he relaxed.

“How was work?”

“Fine,” Scotty mumbled softly. “Great. It was after work that…my car didn’t start.”



“You got a jump from someone, I’m guessing.”

Scotty shook his head, sitting up. He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees as he scrubbed at his face. “No, actually. Well, I tried, but it didn’t work. So, it’s not the battery. It might be the starter, I don’t know. I got a ride from Vicky, and I’ll call the tow company in the morning.”

Kevin was silent for a moment. Then he asked cautiously, “Where you gonna tow it?”

Scotty tilted his head towards Kevin suspiciously. “The shop. Why?”

“It might be a good time to…”

Scotty interrupted him, standing and walking to the kitchen for a stiffer drink. “We’ve had this conversation before. You’ve been trying to make me get rid of it for months now. I’m sorry if you’re embarrassed by it, but I’m not. It's a classic.”

“It’s not that. First of all, it’s not safe. Who knows when the brakes are going to go? Or the steering? And besides, you’ve sunk several hundred - maybe even thousands - into that car since I’ve known you,” Kevin reminded him, twisting in his seat to look at Scotty. “With towing and repairs, it’s not worth it. You’re so cautious about money; why can’t you see what a waste that is?”

“It’s worth a lot more than that to me.”

“It’s a car.”

Scotty sat down again, looking sadly at Kevin. “It’s not, Kevin. It’s…it’s the first car I bought. I saved every penny I had to get it. I drove it to California, all by myself. I’ve lived in that car, Kevin, remember?” Scotty laughed and added, somewhat embarrassed, “I’ve had sex in it. I used it to get to jobs and school. It,” Scotty looked down, “It brought us back together, sort of. And later, we were sitting in it when you told me how much you wanted to be with me.”

Kevin sighed, then stood and walked over to the couch. He sat next to Scotty and picked up his hands. Kevin paused, opening his mouth and taking a breath as he looked at their interlocked fingers.

“I know,” Kevin said. “But it’s not going to last forever. You’re going to have to get rid of it sooner or later. And besides, we are definitely going to make new memories in whatever new car you get. Driving our kid home from the hospital? Their first day of school? Family road trips? It’s going to be great.”

Scotty smiled softly, nodding in acceptance and agreement. “Yeah,” he whispered. They were silent for a moment, and then Scotty looked at Kevin, shaking his head. “Wait, what are we saying? We can’t afford a new car right now. Every cent we have that’s not going to the surrogacy is keeping us under this roof and fed. Both of us are more or less in job limbo, and - ”

Kevin shrugged. “The money either goes to car repair or a car loan. We’ll find you something used, but with several years in it still. Something dependable with good gas mileage; we’ll be fine.”

Scotty swallowed. “Fine.”


“What do you think?”

“It’s bright yellow.

“It’s…not so bad.

“It’s bright yellow.”


“How about this one?”

“It’s a two-door. You want to try fitting a car seat in the back?”


“OK, come on. This one is pretty unbeatable.”

“It has a CD player. What am I supposed to do with all my tapes?”

“Uh…throw them out and join us in the 21st century?”


“Here you go. Minivan. Lots of room for groceries and kid stuff. You’ll be the envy of the rest of the PTA.”

“A minivan? Are you serious?”


“Why don’t you get a new car? I mean, I’m not letting my baby ride around in a convertible. What if you flip it?”

“We can’t afford two new cars, and you’re in greater need.”

“Oh, convenient excuse.”


“…I’m not getting a minivan.”



“How does it feel driving? Comfortable?”

“Yeah. Yeah, it’s fine.”

“Controls are in easy reach.”


“Brakes good?”


“The engine sounds like it runs smoothly.”

“Yeah, I think so.”

“Gets good mileage. Looks cool, yet it’s practical.”

“What’s with the hard sell, Kevin Walker?”

“Do you like it or not?”

“Yeah, let’s get it.”

“Let me do the talking.”

“Oh, give me a break.”


“OK, and sign here, Mr. Wandell. And you also need to sign over the title on your old car for the trade-in.”

Scotty nodded, taking the pen from the dealer. He took a deep breath, releasing it slowly as he signed the sale agreement. He paused for a second, and then reached over for the title, signing it quickly. He sat back in his chair and looked over at Kevin. Kevin smiled back at him.

The deal went smoothly and quickly after that, with the exchange of keys and fake pleasantries with the salesman. Kevin led Scotty out of the office and showroom. They walked out onto the lot, and Kevin slipped his sunglasses on. The Ranchero was parked a few spots down, in the opposite direction from the new car. Scotty stopped walking, and Kevin turned around as soon as he realized he had left his husband behind. He failed to hide a grin when he saw the look of devastation on Scotty’s face.

“Do you need a minute?”

Scotty nodded.


And Scotty walked over to the Ranchero. He stared at it for a long moment silently, then lifted his hand and placed it on the hood. He cleared his throat. “Bye,” he finally said.

Then he turned and walked to Kevin. Kevin smiled at him, biting the inside of his cheek to prevent himself from breaking into laughter. He reached out and took Scotty’s hand, squeezing it gently.

“Let’s go home,” Scotty said, and Kevin nodded.


Later that night, Kevin filed away the paperwork from the dealer and the bank. Then he read the newspaper. All while Scotty moped on the couch. Finally, he couldn’t take it anymore.

“Come on,” he said.

Scotty lifted his head off the Liza pillow. “Where are we going?”

“We’re going for a drive in your new car.”


“It’s a surprise. Give me the keys.”

Sometime later, Scotty finally realized where they were going. “Kevin, are we headed to Mulholland?”


“Um, why?”

Kevin looked over at him with a grin. “We’re going to make some memories in this car. More specifically, in the backseat.”

Scotty burst into laughter.

The End

A/N: In memory of my first car which I recently junked. RIP car!

smut and fluff, stand-alone

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