The inevitability of sex

Feb 27, 2003 01:01

I'll get to the subject last as is on my mind.

Generally been doing some thinking & autopschoanalysis in part inspired by links diffrentcolours posted

I seem to be either a shy extrovert, or a bipolar introvert/extrovert. Also a shy tart. these are silly mixes & don't seem to help any!

With RHPS coming up at the weekend I was trying on my outfit while messing about on IRC and someone said they wanted to see it. I don't think I was what they were hoping for when they asked to see this person in a purple pvc basque, but you should be careful what you wish for. Now decided would be funny to show this picture round at work in a limited fashion (well I did say I was a tart!) And was quite suprised when someone (a female soemone I hasten to add) later admited to being turned on by it. Just show I have stranger friends than I realised :-)

And finally to the subject.

This comes out of a conversation earlier today that echoed one from last week. Was chatting to an ex & she said something about it being inevitable us ending up in the sack. Now soemone else I'd ended up in bed with in the past had said similar (inevitable being used in both cases) And both had made comments about sexual tension & stuff.

Now I didn't really notice any sexual tension, (I just get horny or is that the same thing?) and was suprised when anything happened in each case, but what I want to know is how to reap the rewards of this, or know how to kill it if warranted. Now that may sound bad, but I'm sure I've missed opertunities in the past, and I don't want to miss many more. I've certainly be told of people who were interested, but got annoyed with not being noticed & went elsewhere, which is annoying as they were people I liked, and would have liked to know better, and because I hate upsetting people.

As an aside, I will intoduce an aquaintance, lets call him Mr X. Mr X gets a lot of action in & around clubs. He is a very brazen man and basically wanders round clubs sticking his face next to someoen he fancies to see if he get a kiss or a slap. For quantity it certainly works & initially I admired this, but was pointed out to me that for each girl that's happy with this arrangement theres probably 3 that are upset by it. So even had I the nerve, I'm too nice.

I hope that makes it clearer why I want to know how to spot this phenomenan & make the most of it, for the fun of all concerned. So how to spot inevitable sex?
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