Dec 05, 2007 11:34
Not been updating much for quite awhile as I have been busy.
Well I still have pockets of time to stone, read a book, watch some TV. Not much, maybe a couple of hrs or so every few days. Sometimes I feel that these are the only things keeping me sane this days.
Was busy studying for my Certified Financial Planner course the last few months. Took 5 exams, the last of which was a 7hr killer which required me to revise all the 6 modules of the course. That last killer paper was in mid Oct. I cleared all my papers btw, have never failed to clear any financial paper at 1st sitting before :). Applying for my Certified Financial Planner already.
Then I was rushing my 2007 production as my company's financial year ends 31st Nov.
Then in Nov I had 2 weeks reservist which blotted out my ability to follow up on cases and I had a mounting backlog of to-do items.
Been rushing like mad ever since my release from reservist but I only managed to follow up on 1/2 of what I need to do :(
I am flying off to Korea tomorrow.
I am not sure whether it's a good thing to take a break now as I felt I had been cracking slightly recently, or it'll just leave me with an even more daunting backlog of things to do.
I have a personal assistant but she's not quite enough. Some things need to be handled personally, and she needs directions.
Heck lah, I just do what I can. Am sure I'm missing on on serious $ coz I can't follow up on everyone and everything, but $ cannot earn finish one right. And it's better to have so many cases to follow up on than to wake up wondering who to call, what to do everyday.
It's more important to be happy than to be rich after all. :)
Thank you Father, for all your blessings this yr. A 50% increase in income is nothing to be scoffed at, though I was hankering for more. Felt great about life most of the time this yr, and Shirley's been a wonderful partner. Really feel optimistic about life with her in 2008 and beyond.
Thank you for your protection, for keeping me safe and sound. Thank you for being there with me, for me, all this yr. I love you Father!