Oct 15, 2005 23:37
LOL so let's see I have befriended ppl 2 yrs younger than me so I guess thats cool? My Birthday is next sunday, and two friends of mine Jesse and Gordon who I have not seen in awhile are stopping by hopefully so thats cool. O yeah on friday some ppl in english were talkin about who were crazier and I decided to join in with my love for sharp objects, someone said the did not believe me so I just asked for a pen and stabbed myself in the arm about 5,6 times it was funny as hell how they started to say omg and the usualy freaked out stuff then ppl asked me if it hurt........lol everything hurts no matter who or what you are. I just like doin that kind of stuff tho I don't know it seems cool to me. It seems like I am getting more eaisly pissed off to lately it don't matter though alot of ppl in my family are makin me mad, they are picking on me because I like a white girl no offense to anybody......and I don't know. Anyway ma boy lawerence gets his car next week and me and him are suppose to be goin places I don't know it seems like alot of ppl don't wanna talk to me anymore thats fine it don't even matter. If I can't go anywhere this week or next I am goin to start a argument with my parents and if that don't work I am walkin out of this trash whole I hate being here and they should know that I talk about it enough No one reall understands me and some thoughts about things I wish to forget keep popping up in my head. well thats about it so peace.