Mar 18, 2007 03:25
*que random post*
Why am I suddenly enamoured with Christian Bale? Hmm? I saw The Prestige over the last few days and not only has the film been cemented on my favourites list, but now so has he. I've seen him in Batman Begins and Little Women besides The Prestige, and never really cared for him. I think it was the character he played in The Prestige - the accent, the attitude, the secrecy, it all formed this really memorable man. Yep. I'm a goner. Now I'm wondering what his native Welsh accent sounds like...
Also, I've been making Doctor Who icons. I've never made Doctor Who icons. I've made Robin Hood ones like there's no tomorrow but for some reason doing DW ones never interested me. Now I can't stop. There's going to be a mega post full of them soon. And iconning Martha makes me squee for some reason. I suppose I'm just excited about her character. SQUEE.
I'm thinking of camping out in front of the telly box 2 weeks in advance and waiting on the new series. Anyone want to join? ;o)
It's late, and I need to curb this insomnia 2 years ago-ish, so I'm off.
Oh and Suddenly I See chapters 23 and 24 are coming along. I'm feeling like this is the endless story of doom. There's SO MUCH plot to get through and I don't want to rush through it at break-neck speed, but at the same time, I'm just dying to finally get to write THE END at the end of a chapter so I can get this weight off of my shoulders. Fan fic = pressure. True fact. Well, for me at least, because I'm anal and need everything to be perfect. Gawd.
suddenly i see,
doctor who