Apr 29, 2009 02:01
So I have been hurting for over 2 weeks now. The kind of pain that nothing really takes completely away. Not tylenol, not aleve, not flexiril, not vicodin and not oxycodone. Been usind a combination of aleve flexiil and vicodin wich do take the edge off about 1/2 the time, still hurt but it is manageable.
Went for an MRI yesterday. Called my doctor today because I was supposed to go back to work and told her that there was NO WAY I could work while in this kind of pain. She called me back and said that she got the results of the MRI and there is a reason for my pain!!!! I have a herniated disc in my neck! OUCH!!!! I am off until May 12.
So now I am taking Aleve, flexiril,vicodin, and a steriod to alleviate the pain and swelling of the nerve that is being pinched. I am to not move my head as much as possible am not allowed to lift anything or raise my left arm above my head. This puts a crimp in being able to unpack from the move, do any laundry or wash my hair!
So I did have a real reason for the pain and not just because I was being a baby!
Funny think about the drugs. I can sleep type and also will reach out for things in my dream and wake myself up trying to grab the glass of water and am grabbing at the air. LOL
Doctors appointmento tomorrow, Physical Therepy Group Appointment on Friday and then something totally unrelated to my arm. Tuesday I get to have another pap smear.... I am so sick of going to the doctors....
Anyone out there need something to do for a day or two, can't pay you but I will do something to pay it forward when someone else needs help once I am better. I would like to have someone come here and help me unpack boxes and do laundry and clean dishes in the kitchen so that the house doesn't become a disaster.
Thanks for reading this.