(no subject)

Jun 02, 2010 03:35

Name: Matheus Lira

Age: 30

Universe: I am destined to app all of my Countshire characters. And set them in 2013.

Appearance: Matty is not bad looking at all. In fact he's pretty handsome, with an even, symmetrical face. At 6'1, he's tall with gigantic hands and feet - his hands are covered in callouses and cuts as well as small scars. THESE ARE WORKING MAN'S HANDS AND DON'T YOU FORGET IT. Sometimes he likes to grow some stubble. Cuz, y'know. He's manly like that. He can totally grow a beard any time.

Usually, when he is not wearing his chef's hat he wears whatever is around. Hoodie, jeans, cargoes, whatever. His favourite colour is yellow and the colour scheme of his clothes normally reflects this - his favourite and most likely to be worn hoodie is a hideous canary yellow which he offsets with a sky-blue beanie, also worn regularly. Less so, now that his fiancee has begun dressing him,
but since everything's begun falling apart he's been wearing it more often.

PB: Jensen Ackles

Personality: It's best that we note here and now that Matheus? He's a jerk of the highest degree. His empathy magic means that he is often totally overwhelmed by strong feelings from others and leaves him bouncing around on the trail ends of other people's emotions - which is difficult when you come from a family with a very LOUD emotional language. He reacts generally by being LOUD back - but LOUD in Matty language normally means YELLING at the top of his voice or freaking out angrily over the slightest deal. Dude has wannabe alpha male syndrome and this manifests itself in his serious need to compete and be the best at everything he tries his hand at. Unfortunately, he fails at just about everything he tries his hand at. While this used to leave him an angry little man, now he just throws a quick tantrum and tries again. All of his emotions bubble close and strong to the surface and all need relief.

Matty is also ridiculous. With the worst bad luck known to man, he pretty much has "schadenfruede" written all over him. Apart from in one or two activities he's incompetent to the extreme. If something terrible is happening to someone, it will happen to Matty. If you need someone to disprove the "lightning never strikes twice" rule, stick Matty in a low place holding no metal and you can guarantee he'll have terrible internal burning within an hour. The thing is, with how he overreacts to everything with a mixture of shrieks and yells and horribly misspelled texts for help it is difficult to take his various plights seriously - seriously, this guy got beat up for his lunch money by pre-schoolers when he was twenty-two and is regularly chased down the street by gigantic guys he underestimated the hearing capabilities of.

These things don't happen too often now that he's become a Real Adult and since he's spent a good part of the past few years bulking up and improving his magical abilities slowly, he can usually back up his insults now. Of course, a lot of what he puts up is front - he can still get bulldozed easily in a real fight.

He throws tantrums at the slightest thing - dude's made to be a chef. And he does love food - he's even gone so far as to propose to a man who made nice cakes. Granted he was very drunk and in a tree at the time. Apart from food, his other love is most definitely women. With men, he's a socially awkward angry loser. With women, he's a tongue-tied moron of a socially awkward loser. He doesn't so much hit on girls as stare at them then ask for their numbers. His cell phone address book is pretty barren apart from the numbers of friends and a couple models.

Emotionally immature, he's still aching over the loss of his first girlfriend - she bought him a sky-blue beanie once and nothing, not even his brothers, can get him to take it off and he still wears it for at least a little while every day. He's cute and cuddly on the inside okay. He likes doing things for people, usually in the grumpiest way possible. People who enter his kitchen are usually sent out with him yelling at them for bothering him and enough food to feed a small army in hand along with some for later. Once he's your friend, he's your friend for fucking life and the yelling will probably stop although the grouching rarely does.

As he's grown, his mothering has simply increased. While before, he would limit his cooking to those he liked, now pretty much everyone he knows gets food automatically. As well as anyone he meets who he deems too thin - he's begun carrying around sandwiches Just In Case. That fashion show he was hired to cater at did not go well. But he does have the numbers of one or two models in his phone who call when they want to be supplied with delicious food so TAKE THAT WORLD.

About the only person who can keep him in check is his fiancee. She's the most beautiful woman he has ever seen if only for the fact that she can bring herself to love him and around her he reigns himself in a little, although he still does scream and shout at people on her behalf. Around her, he feels less like a fuck up and it's her that he's being doing a lot of the bulking up for. Even more so, after her miscarriage and the loss of his first child. As you can imagine, being in space and away from her is PISSING HIM OFF.

Important Features: EMPATHY. It is his first and most valued skill and he uses it often. Really vague mind altering/make you feel kinda high or naseaus spells and a little telekinisis which is mostly used in cooking. The ability to reach stuff that is high up. The ability to creeper on girls from a mile away. Angry ridiculous dickhead with a good heart because green has no range. A little kickboxing GUESS WHO TOOK A LEVEL IN BADASS AAWW YEEEAAAAH.
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