Etch-a-Sketch Angst

Sep 15, 2006 09:00

I had one of those strange "I'm Back in School and There's a Test Dreams" this morning. I'm sitting in the back of a college classroom (very last seat in the left row-which is odd-I always sit in the middle or front right) and the professor (who is a weird amalgam of all the male teachers I've ever had) announces a test. There's not a single clue in the classroom as to what the subject is. So ok, fine we're going to take a test. The instructor starts handing out Etch-a-Sketches. No instructions-just Etch-a-Sketches. I manage to get a horizontal line started on mine when the professor announces it's time to turn them in-pass them to the last person in the row. We've had the Etch-a-sketches for about 30 seconds tops. Everyone passes theirs back to me and I'm trying to stack them without erasing anyones "work." I finally get them carefully stacked and ready to hand in when the professor says "Wait! How many of you remembered to start with a border?" Turns out no one started with a border. So the back row people hand the Etch-a-Sketches back out. Everyone shakes their Etch-a-Sketches to erase them and starts to do their borders. It's just a simple line around the edge but for the life of me I can't get it to work. I spend the rest of the class (which, true-to-life, seems to last FOREVER) fighting with my Etch-a-Sketch trying to draw this stupid border line on it. All I can say is thank goodness for the alarm clock!

weird dreams

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