Green Lantern's Light

May 21, 2011 12:27

I checked out the new trailer for Green Lantern over on Yahoo! Movies earlier today. Here's the video from YouTube:

image Click to view

Yahoo! Movies link if the above video doesn't work.

Impressive! I'm definitely looking forward to this one. Green Lantern is a solid #3 on the list of DC Comics' superheroes for me (behind #2 Superman and of course, #1 Batman), and it's nice to see him get a decent theatrical updating. I only have a few Green Lantern comics from when I was a kid... I started reading DC Comics right around the time they did their Death of Superman storyline. In that, Hal Jordan's home base of Coast City was destroyed and as such, there was some slight Green Lantern crossover. The event led to Jordan going insane, becoming a villain, and a new GL taking over, Kyle Rayner. That's when I read the first few issues of the "new" Green Lantern but I soon stopped. I was but a kid who usually got $5-$10/week in allowance. Between Supes, Bats, and GL I just couldn't stretch it that far; the former two took precedence.

The concept of Green Lantern always fascinated me, though. In my 8th grade junior high English class we did a project where each student was assigned a different God from Greek mythology and we had to create something based on them. I was assigned Ares, the god of war, and eventually ended up writing a short story about it. My story was about a normal guy who had no idea he was the last surviving descendent of Ares. Because of this, he's abducted by aliens and outfitted with a bionic glove that gave him powers similar to that of Green Lantern. Then he's taken to the aliens' home galaxy, to help them fight their war against a neighboring planet. I think I got a B on it. :-P "Not enough about Ares! - Ms. Spell" Oh well... But the influence was definitely there.

My favorite Green Lantern remains John Stewart, from the Justice League and Justice League Unlimited DC Animated universe. I remember fanboys bitching about Stewart being included over Hal Jordan, but they really did a good job with that character! In fact, I'd say he was the most flushed out character on the show.

Anyway, yeah, I'm psyched for this movie! One more month to go...

comics, movies

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