And now,
a couple random pictures from my life...
The results of last weekend's yard work:
That might look more impressive if I'd taken a "before" picture. :-P With the help of Heather and her parents, I ripped out all the weeds and finally put new mulch down. Now I just have to figure out how I want to landscape it. Solar lights are a definite, and I'd like to get some nice plants in there. We'll see! I've got to stay on top of it, though - some of the weeds are already fighting back. Bastards.
A happy ending to some vending machine frustration:
This was on the table in our break room the other day. The vending machines there are definitely not the greatest, and it was nice to see someone actually get their money back. :-) Of course, I have no idea if these quarters eventually found their way to Stacy or not. Someone might have been greedy... But still, it's the thought that counts!
Hearing Jeffrey Tambor speak on Friday convinced me that it's been far too long since I last watched Arrested Development. So I'm watching it again. I finished the first disc of season one last night, and this show is even funnier than I remember it. I hope they'll make a movie!