My computer is officially finished! Last night I installed the final components: a 52-in-1 memory card reader, a Logitech G5 laser mouse, and a Microsoft Media Pro keyboard. Behold - the Dark Tower!
I really did name it THEDARKTOWER. I think it fits. Plus, my whole little network here is set up similarly. My multimedia PC in the living room is MIDWORLD, the laptop is ENDWORLD, and the wireless network SSID is, of course, BLAINE. :-) I love this new desktop! It's so fast, and such an upgrade from my old, crappy Compaq. The best part - no more random freezes! SO nice.
The only other thing I may add to this PC is another video card. The motherboard supports SLI (where you can hook two video cards up to one another and share the processing load), and the card is only $60 at NewEgg... We'll see. After the cut are some more pictures of the construction.
This is the motherboard before I mounted it. That big ass CPU cooler works GREAT. My old one would idle at around 130 degrees Fahrenheit. NOT good! I've never seen this CPU get above 70 degrees, even after a couple of Unreal Tournament III sessions!
This is how everything looked while I was waiting on my power supply. The case is big and roomy, which was nice... Until I tried to fit it in my corner desk, anyway (it eventually went in). :-P The cord management system is a nice feature.
Because of the power supply being at the bottom of the case, it was a real bitch to hook up - I scraped my knuckles up pretty good! But I think it's a big reason why the system runs so cool - where the power supply is I mean, not my blood. :-P