Oct 04, 2012 21:45
i feel like there is someone BANGING their body against mine on the inside of me. she wants so bad to be free.. when i close my eyes i see her throwing a fit. pissed. that my hands arent moving they arent creating. that they stay still. mad that im still. trying to pretend
still hoping for a replacement life. a replacement love. better and greater than my own. more than i could bare in a sentence... more than i could hold in a title or in a name.
more than
waiting for more than the average
more than im allowed
I sit and wait for more
and do nothing to obtain it
I do nothing to be happy
i do what i think will give me more. I do what i hope will give me more.that will allow me not to suffer.
to think clearly
I will never be clear
i dont know how
I have somehow got lost in this expectation that has no real origin
not real life
nothing is really about what i want to do.
its what i think life is suppose to be
and how thing are suppose to go
according to what
according to who
where is the rule book
forever i have looked for a rule book
something to tell me what to do
so i could never have to deal with pain
when pain is what got me here in the first place
pain is the driving factor of life
and with out pain
we would all be the same
we would all hope the same
we would all dream the same
with out pain
with pain I wouldnt stand proud
I wouldnt laugh so hard
i wouldnt love so deep with out pain
what really is pain
when i think of the word i think...a physical things... like i cut my knee.. i broke a bone
i fell
Pain is soo much more than that.. how could i forget that it is so much more than that
pain is what MAKES the dancer dance
that songstress steal you away in a song
make you fall into beautiful book
and even get lost in your lovers eyes
pain MAKES it
so why cant i embrace it.