✯ arrival

Jul 11, 2010 11:52

[ The last thing she remembered might have been a white light, but that didn't excuse what she woke up to now. Unfamiliar house, unfamiliar (and not very pretty) clothes, unfamiliar pictures of her and some people she didn't even know on the desk, in an unfamiliar bed... And it wasn't a dream! (She checked. As thoroughly as she could.)

It didn't take a genius to figure something was wrong. And going just by sound, no one seemed to be around at the moment, so she looked out the door of the room she was in as quietly as possible. As she thought, no one, and there was a phone just right there! Well, that's a start. Maybe she should try to phone someone?

Mulling this over in her mind for a couple of minutes, she finally decided to at least attempt to call one person... ]

I'm not even sure this will work, but it's worth a try!

Hey, um, it's me. I'm really, really sorry to call so suddenly, but this is really important! I have no idea what's going on, but um, I'm somewhere I haven't been to before. And the weirdest part about all of this? There are pictures of me here with people I don't even recognize!

--Ah, wait, that was really sudden! I probably should start at the beginning, right? ...Hello?


Huh? That's weird, I could have sworn I heard someone pick up...

#not exactly a welcome sight

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