Its Friday

Jul 24, 2009 10:49

And nobody has posted on my friends list....strange.

Dan's last night of night-float was last night. (cool three nights in one sentence) That was far more difficult for me than I thought it was going to be. It's strange how much I missed him and yet whenever we spoke all I did was bitch to him.

So a co-worker and his wife were nice enough to let me tag along and see "Food Inc." with them. I liked how they had Michal Pollan and Eric Schlosser in it, two of my recent heroes, but it was hard to sit next to my good friends while they were getting preached to about how sinful their eating habits were. I think Super Size Me did a better job at edutainment and you stepped away feeling smarter and part of a cause.

The points in Food Inc are mostly out of the book "Fast Food Nation", which is a fantastically well researched book, but it was movie-fied into something that didn't have as many facts. I felt like the movie was preaching to a very small choir and for those poor souls who just happened to watch it by mistake they'll probably be too emotionally upset at the guilt slathered onto them.

I don't preach to my friends even though the problems discussed in the movie are very important to me. I'm very happy to lead curious folks if they ask.

So my loose summary of the movie is, go see it and then let me know how it made you feel, because I'm torn.
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