I have the smartest cat in the world...

Aug 20, 2007 22:41

For the past day or so Kit has been coming up to me, crying & peeing in the litter box in my room...which he usually only does at nite when the door is shut - the peeing, not the crying. When I got home from work today he did it again & I couldn't figure out why...so I thought, let me clean the basement litter boxes (even tho' I just did them).
While I'm down there cleaning them, Kit comes down, cries at me & pees out like 3 drops. I look at it & it's bloody!! I know that's not good. So off to google I go. Hmmm, cystitis, infection, blockage, death...ok, let's call the vet now! Btw, I've never been to this vet before, just happened to take the # down about a month or 2 ago (who says I'm not psychic?!). They're closed, it's 8pm - what would you expect...but there is an emergency # for the doc & I call & he's at dinner in Queens but when I tell him what happened he's wants to see Kit right away. So Johnny & I meet him at the office at 8:45 & he examines Kit & says no blockage...thank god! Cause that's a couple of thousand dollars right there. But it is an infection, Kit is forming painful crystals & he needs special food - forever - & antibiotics (HUGE!) for 9 days. :( Doc gave him IV fluid in the office to dilute his urine - but he isn't dehydrated so that's good. & gave him an antibiotic shot. Poor baby, he was so upset. But he'll be ok, better than ok & that's a good thing. *sigh*
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