Where the hell...

Jul 15, 2007 00:44

does time go?!?! I haven't updated in almost a month! That's crazy. I can't even think back that far, so I guess I'll just go w/what I CAN think back to. :)

Started working a 2nd job, just not getting enough hours at Classic. So now I'm next door to Johnny, again, but this time on the other side - NOT working for the scum of the earth. But I was working for them before, so no biggie. It's high end, high performance mechanical automotive repair & I dunno, making cars faster & shit. Whatever - I'm not car girl. LOL.

6 weeks on WW maintenance - down 6 more pounds.

Had to join yet ANOTHER gym, since the one I joined in Jan or Feb (& never actually went to, mind you) went bankrupt! Thank god I only spent $99 for a year membership. I joined Tropical Fitness on Bethpage Rd. It's literally around the block from where I work & about 2 1/2 min from my house. & I have to pass it on the way home from my other job. Totally convenient, no excuse not to go. It is co-ed, which I didn't really want, but hey, I keep to myself, wear my IPOD & do what I gotta do. I'm up to about 80min on the stationary bike...usually hit around 15 miles - not all at once, I split it up - 50 min when I get there, then I do the weight circuit...upper body one day, lower body the next & I'm up to about 550 crunches. Then I go back & do another 30 min on the bike & 15 min stretching & cool down. :) I go 3x a week, usually spend about 2 1/2 hours there. It's great. I see a difference in my body already. :) 3 more days & I get to see if there is a shift in my inches lost. I joined on June 18 & slight OCD that I am, I can't measure till I've worked out one month.

So, had an extra hang out nite w/Laura on Monday...dinner at The Cup. Twas grand, we have sooo much fun. :)
Wed, Christine & Rob came over & we just chilled - they brought me back this AMAZING apple bread from Pa. OMG - I couldn't even begin to guess the points & I don't care! Toasted - it's just a lil slice of heaven. :)
Thurs - went for sushi w/Joanna, Teri & Christine. Ever so delightful. :) I love hanging out w/the girls - it really makes me feel good. Then Christine & I went to see the new Harry Potter, well she saw it already, but that didn't matter. Excellent, as usual.
Fri - hung w/Laura again & remembered why I haven't smoked pot in like 20 years. I HATE IT!!!! Blech. I don't care what anyone says, I hate the high. I over analyze EVERYTHING I say & do, dries out my eyes/contacts to the point of pain, dry mouth, tired, hungry. Where is the fun in that?! I'll stick w/my usual drug of choice - nothing. :)

Today was just awful. I've been in a bit of a funk lately - miss Jackie, got my period, just yuck. So my dad calls today & I was actually going to call him & see if I could visit tomorrow - but he starts in on the whole getting together w/Fawn (his dtr from his 1st marriage - NO blood relation to me & I don't like her...long story). So I'm telling him, again, that I'm not interested & he's listing all the reasons I SHOULD want to have a "relationship" w/her. Finally I just said to him look, if this is why you called me then I'm getting off the phone - I don't want to have this talk again. & of course he gets upset & blah, blah, blah...needless to say, I didn't mention seeing him tomorrow & when I hung up I was in a totally foul mood. & Johnny came home from work while I was on the phone w/my dad & (as usual) tried to talk to me. So I gave him the evil eye & turned away. Then I get off the phone & go to look for Johnny to apologize & he's gone. So now I'm totally off the wall pissed & I'm slamming doors & kicking things & he comes in & I start yelling at him & basically threw a total temper tantrum. I was pissed at him since last week when we went to see Transformers (which I was so excited to actually be DOING something w/him) & he hated the whole "movie experience" & was total shit all day. & then he's getting all pissy cause I go out w/friend's & leave him home alone - cause he's not old enough to entertain himself?!?
Anyway - I was screaming & yelling & crying about how we need to figure out something we can do together that doesn't involve sitting on the couch watching tv every nite & weekend. & I suggested horseback riding - cause he always liked that - but apparently he's afraid to do it now. Then he suggests sky-diving & I'm all for it, but on second thought, he's afraid to do that too. I have to say tho', he was really good w/me - he didn't get mad & was really upset at how upset I was. Nothing was really resolved, but I felt better for getting it out & he felt good for knowing how I feel. Guess we'll have to see where it goes now.
So we ended up sitting on the couch, watching tv. But it was ok, cause I wasn't so agitated anymore.
I didn't even go to the gym today cause I was so mad I was afraid I'd hurt myself, or someone else. 's ok, I can go tomorrow.
All things considered, things really are good...today was just out of control.

That's it - I'm beat.
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