
Jun 17, 2007 16:31

I dunno, it was a lot of the same, Jackie went to work in the morning, brought kids home in the afternoon...I went in the pool A LOT - had it all to myself most of the time, just lovely. Sunblock 60 & I barely got any color, yay!

I forgot to mention, the nite I met Seth & we went out to dinner...Jackie drank a lil bit, so she was cute, drunk Jackie. But the funniest thing was - ok, I was sitting on the end of a bench type seat & there was this big, fake tree in a pot next to me. So we get up to go & I was sliding over to the end of the bench & apparently the bench ended sooner than I expected. I started falling, totally in slow motion, grabbing the tree, letting out these little screams as I fell & fell & fell. Plop, down on the floor & I'm hysterically laughing. No, Jackie is the one who drank...not a drop for me. Seth was just standing there in shock & Jackie was crouched down laughing like a nut. He didn't know who to help up, or what to do. Finally he turns to me (since Jackie really was fine) & holds his hand out. Up I go, still laughing like a crazy person. It was awesome! :D

Basic highlights of the rest of the week - went shopping (shocking!)...I actually bought a DRESS!! I know, I can't believe it. But Jackie & Seth said it looked good so...OMG - I got "Emily Strange" sneakers at Hot Topic!!!!! So excited! Hmmm, went for M.A.C make overs, very nice outcome for us both.

So on Fridays, the a number of the center's for developmentally disabled have a dance. It's 18 & up, for higher functioning clients. I went w/Jackie cause I wanted to meet her boss & then we figured I'd go to the mall that was nearby. I brought a book & was ready to just find a Starbucks & chill. Well, seems this mall was not as close as we thought & since they were doing construction in the area there was no way I'd figure out how to get there & back. Whatever, I said I'd just sit outside & read. It was a nice nite & I didn't mind. Not supposed to bring ppl who don't work for the center to the's a privacy issue. Well, Junior (Jackie's boss) isn't having any of that. He says: No way, you're coming in w/me. You're my new employee.
Me: Are you sure? I don't want to cause any trouble. I can sit out here & read, no problem.
Jr: Hey, I'm the boss & you're coming in.
Me:(looking at Jackie for a clue what to do - she just looked startled) Well, ok.
I gotta tell you, it was quite an experience. These kids (& adults), first of all, some of them were AMAZING dancers! 2nd - boy are they watching too much MTV! They are all dancing w/the girl shaking her butt in the boys face, groin, whatever - the boys are miming smacking the girl's butt...crazy!
I said to Jackie: Man, I hope these girl's are on birth control cause I'm telling you, some of them are totally having sex.
Jackie: way.
Me: Um, yeah - 100%.
Hey, the hormones & the feelings are there & they have less of a control center than so called "normal" ppl, so why wouldn't they? But I definitely had a good time, even danced a couple of times w/Jr.

Ok, I gotta get ready for installment will be my fabulous flight home. Actually, the flight wasn't bad, but prior to it - christ!
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