
Apr 30, 2007 19:43

So my week w/Jackie was...short. :( Tho' she will be back in 2 weeks for Alissa's wedding, but that's only for the weekend. Well, I'll be going out there beginning of June - always see more of her when I go there.

Let's see - Sunday, she came in, we went to the Jersey shore for an in-law get together. Very nice day, everyone was so happy to see her. Went to visit my mom-in-law's mom (Johnny's g/ma) in the nursing home. She's been dying for the past few years & it really looked like this might be it, good time to see her since all the grandkids & great-grand kids were there. It was a nice visit, she was totally awake & aware of who everyone was (95 years old!!!) As we were leaving I said to Jackie, "We just gave Big Nannie permission to die." More on that later.

Jackie did get to work all week at her previous job, a really good thing since this way she didn't lose $$ being away.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday - we did some shopping, got hair cuts - Jackie got together w/Kelly on Tuesday & they went to get Jackie's hair dyed. It looks awesome (bad mommy, no pix!). She did reds & pinks w/black highlights & black all underneath in the back - totally cool. I did have to touch up some of the red - it was coming out already! Eh, no one dyes hair like me. :) & SOOOOO nice to see Jackie & Kelly together again. :D

Then Wed. nite we get the call, Big Nannie died. The wake was Friday & the funeral on Saturday. Johnny went to his mom's on Friday & Jackie & I went down on Saturday morning...left the house at 6am! Quick service & off to the cemetery. Side note - the pastor spoke w/the family Friday nite so he'd know what to say at the service on Saturday. Jackie was given credit for getting the family together & seeing Big Nannie off - it was really special, tho' sad. Super quick service at the cemetery & Jackie & I went home. Mostly everyone else went to the diner for lunch but she wanted to visit at her Saturday job (different from her weekday job), Denise was coming over & she was going out Saturday nite. Good thing we left, too, Johnny hit mucho traffic coming home!

So we get home, I drop out for a nap, she goes off to visit & at some point comes back & naps herself. Denise comes over & we have a short but sweet visit. Then off to Rembrandt's, where I must remain since I am Jackie's chauffeur & I wanted to monitor the drinking situation anyway (not that it mattered - you'll see). A number of friend's came by, not as many as anticipated, but she saw some ppl there that she hasn't seen in years, so that was nice. We didn't leave till 3:30am & her flight was at 8am!! &, a really bad thing, the bartender concocted drinks for her, no problem there, she always does that. Unfortunately she used vodka, which Jackie is allergic to. Sooo, she spent the next 2 hours in my bed puking into the garbage pail. :( & felt so crappy when it was time to get ready to leave that I had to change her flight to the later one. She still felt blah when we dropped her off, but if she'd taken the AM flight it would have been a very bad thing!

But she got on the plane, no problem, uneventful flight & went to work today. My mom has been in Sedona the past few days & is going to stay w/Jackie for a couple of days starting tonite. Should be really nice for both of them. It's good to spend alone time w/ppl.

& I worked today. I have NO food in the house & I'm waiting for Johnny to get home so we can go to Trader Joe's. I HATE an empty fridge!
Ok, he's here - I'm out.

Friday Jackie got the outline for her new tattoo done. :( It's gonna be awesome when it's done. One of the "Trick" fairies going up her rib cage. She's getting the color & hopefully the outline of the tree done when she comes in 2 weeks.

That is all.
Wait...I stole these from her...
It's kinda grainy, but you get the idea...

I'd have liked a better pic, but again, you get the idea...
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