Oct 21, 2004 15:44
I have felt very blah lately. Everything is going by the same and the same. There is no variety anymore. I just feel like every day is kinda like every other day. I don't like it. I wish I could detail this and put examples and whatnot, but I can't think of any cause it all blends and meshes together.
Ehh...everything is meh lately.
On a different note: I think I have gotten over not going to vp now. I feel like it is over with, and I need to start embracing CHS rather than feeling as if it were the understudy of vp. I will always remember what I learned there. I realize I would be happier at viewpoint, but there is no way I am going there, so I should get over it. I will stay just as close to some people, and (sadly) drift away from others. They will remain good memories...now, this doesnt mean I'm gonna stop visiting...which im not ^^...once every two or three weeks you will see me pop up on the viewpoint campus.
Alright, i will talk about other crap later...I feel i need to unwind this weekend...