I AM 38% GEEK!
You probably work in computers, or a history deptartment at a college. You never really fit in with the "normal" crowd. But you have friends, and this is a good thing.
Take the GEEK test at Fuali.com is that good or not? i really dont know ><.
Real update part...
School is getting better...not as good as viewpoint still, but better ^_^. Final Fantasy XI expansion pack Chains of Promethea came out yesterday and i really wanna get it, but i cant find it anywhere :( Umm...my computer got fixed today, it's memory was all screwed up but it is all better now...hurray!
mmkay, i cant think of anything else...ohh, i am thinking of getting a new lj, cause i dont like my lj name...someone called it too angsty once...and i think that fits it well. So i will try to think of a name I will like a lot more (I'm not very good at that)
P.S. - this new LJ update format thing is way better...