Read an article in the Huffington Post about the possibly scary importance of obama's 'organizing for America' group. The gist - because he and his supporters have direct email access to the whole huge mess of people who contacted him during the fall election, they have some sort of creepy power
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Comments 7
I hate unsolicited money begging mail with a passion. Even I am disappointed (but not surprised) that (D)s are doing this.
I guess I'm pretty used to getting useless emails from or other folks, so I'm OK with picking through the trash to find what actually matters. Now if only I could tell them to start listening to Krugman and his warnings of impending deflation....
I do miss talking politics with you. I feel much less informed in that arena since we parted ways.
That said, yeah, this does suck, and I agree with you about it. Disappointment.
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